01 | fight

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"Who are you?". Mordo asked to the stranger beside Stephen.

"Hello to you too. I go by Josephine now". Josephine shook Mordo's hand, not bothering the confused face of him by what she meant 'now'. She wasn't even looking at Mordo in the eye, the wrecked buildings surrounding them was more interesting to her.

Mordo's eyes then landed to Stephen as she passed to look around. "She's dead"

Mordo looked down dejectedly before started pacing. "You were right. She wasn't who I thought she was"

"She was complicated". Stephen added.

"Complicated". Mordo approved, hands waving to the scattered surrounding. Josephine quietly listened.

"The dark dimension is volatile, dangerous. What if it overtook her? She taught us it was forbidden, while she drew on it's power to steal centuries of life"

"She did what she thought was right". Stephen interjected.

"The bill comes due". Mordo declared. "Don't you see? Her transgression let the zealots to Dormammu. Kaecilius was her fault". He raised his index finger. "And here we are, in the consequence of her deception"

"A world on fire". Josephine spoke up. Both Stephen and Mordo looked at her.

"Mordo, the London sanctum has fallen. The New York one has been attacked twice. You know where they're going next". Stephen said hurriedly.

"Hong Kong". Mordo replied weakly.

"You told me once to fight like my life depended on it, because one day, it might. Well, today is that day". Josephine stopped walking and looked at Stephen, absorbing his words before looking at Mordo.

"I cannot defeat them alone". Stephen finally said.

Mordo stood in silence. Josephine took the chance to strand her hand. Her fingers emitted a blue lights and with one blow from her palm, a portal was made. Both men looked at each other. Whatever they were thinking, it wasn't the time to talk about it. Mordo passed the portal and as Stephen was about to go, Josephine stopped him.

"Be careful, Sorcerer Stephen. I sense his allegiance is changing"

Stephen looked at her carefully. Still, something was odd about her.

Whatever she meant, Stephen somehow could understand some things about Mordo and his traits. In the middle of this precarious situation, no wonder his thought was wavering, and if she sensed something was off about him, so did the Ancient One.

Right now, he could only depend on himself and what he believed was right. The Ancient One's had entrusted it to him too.

Stephen stared at her for awhile before nodding, though, he didn't quiet understand what she meant. He hoped she didn't mean he turned into darkness.

He quickly passed by her and Josephine followed.

The three of them finally appeared in a wrecked place, Buildings were destroyed, water leaking everywhere, death people surrounding the place. It was a horrible scene for Stephen, but not for Josephine.

"The sanctum's already fallen". The three of them observed around.

"Is this the entity that killed my Ancient One?". She asked loudly.

Mordo nodded. "The dark dimension. Dormammu is coming". The three of them watched the spreading of an illicit entity, causing destruction to the surroundings.

"And they are they ones who called upon him?

Stephen nodded. "Kaecilius and his followers"

"It's too late, nothing can stop him". Mordo said desperately.

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