Hollaa my beautiful readers. Hope you all are doing fine, just like I'm doing. So just like I promised I have the next chapter of this story ready. So without wasting anymore of your time. Lets get going.
Chapter 5 - Party Time
We've been here for more than 30 mins. Everyone's on the flow. Ace is on the corner sucking a red head's mouth. Eww that's disgusting. Lucas is with Ryder talking to his friends. I'm happy for Lucas, he gets to socialize today. He was with me for the first 20 mins or so but I sent him off, so he can enjoy. Everyone started drinking as soon as the music started. Everyone except Ryder and me. Ryder is designated to show us around school tomorrow and drive us back today. And me, well I didn't feel like drinking that time. But now I'm having my first drink.
I'm seated in the kitchen, where they made it look like a bar counter. Right now I'm the only one here and I'm loving it. But I said it too soon. Because I can feel someone presence near me. But I ignored it. Soon I heard someone sitting on the stool next to me. Still I ignored it. I went back to enjoying the silence. I started thinking how in these past few days everything changed. We moved to a new city. And now it's like we'll be starting a new life. I sign thinking about it. Tomorrow I'll be starting school. I have no idea how it'll go. I just hope it goes well. I really hate to be the centre attention. And I have a feeling that tomorrow when Lucas and I will enter the school, lot of people will be looking at us. Maybe few will be talking about us. I sign again feeling nervous.
I was about to take a sip of my drink when the person said something.
"Are you alright?" A male voice asked. I can hear concern in their voice. I ignored it 'cause he is not talking to me.
After few seconds of me ignoring, he spoke again. "Hey! I'm asking you. Are you alright?"
Maybe it's me he is asking to. So I just nod and reply with a "Uh huh."
I can hear him sign and talking sip of whatever he was drinking. I went back to my drink, enjoying this silence. But it didn't last long as he asked again.
"Are you really alright?" he definitely sounds concerned.
And his sound is god damn sexy. Ignoring my inner thoughts I looked up.
And I regretted looking up.
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^ That's him
My, my. He is a piece of meat. You should chew him till the last bite.
Again ignoring the stupid inner thoughts, I looked into his blue eyes.
Oh look at this. I can swim all the way to his heart just by looking at his eyes. God help these inner thoughts.
"Yeah, why do you ask?" I asked trying to sound casual. But only if he knew what's happening inside me. Inside my heart is exploding. There are sparkles and fire crackers inside me. And this is all by just looking at his eyes. What will happen to me if I get a glimpse of his whole body?
"I mean you kept signing and don't mind but its kinda irritating." I look away to hide my embarrassment.
"Sorry, just thinking about stuff." I smile and he smiles back. And I almost died. Seriously what's wrong with me? I'm going crazy. Maybe I need more drinks. And I refilled my drink.
I gulped down the whole drink in a moment.
"WOW! Slow women. You'll choke yourself." He chuckles. And I giggle in return mumbling a soft sorry in return.
He spoke again after few seconds. "Are you new here? I never saw you before."
And I nod.
"A friend the twins?" He asked.
"Yea something like that." I reply drinking yet another glass of my drink. I lost count of my drinks. But I reminded myself to not drink over as I have school tomorrow. And plus I don't want to make a fun of myself by getting drunk.
Soon my 3rd or 4th drink was finished and I was tipsy. Just tipsy not drunk. The boy next to me have started asking me questions. And soon I was having a full conversation with him. From talking about favorite places to favorite food. We even had conversation about stupid stuff. We went on talking but I we never exchanged our names.
I felt happy. It was in a long time, that I have a good bonding with a complete stranger. Drunk or not. But it was almost time for us to go.
And it was true as Lucas came the moment I thought that. He came near me.
"Let's get you home." He said.
"Oh boy, meet LuBear. He is my best bear." I giggle looking from Lucas to the boy sitting next to me. I tried standing up but I stumble back. I felt the boy's hand on my back, supporting me as I stood up. And his hand felt good around my skin.
"Careful." He smiled.
"Baby, we need to get you home. Come on." This time it was Lucas who spoke. I said thanks to the boy with a small peek on his left cheek. I giggle looking at the light pink shade on his cheeks.
Saying my goodbye to him I hold Lucas hand and allowed him to take me home.
After going home and changing, I was in deep sleep with a huge smile on my face.
This one is short. I know it. But I wanted it to be short and sweet. Hope you all loved it.
I would really like to thank you all who took interest in reading this book. I You guys honestly do have patience, like I would never wait for someone to upload the chapters and then read, cause you never know when they are gonna upload. But hey, you guys are doing that. And I love it.
So if any of you, my lovely readers would like me to read there books, please do leave it on comment. I will definitely read it on my time. Well I'm always free so please do leave down your books if you wish for me to read them.