1. The Dad's New Partner's Son.

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The day started just like another day.

Normally okay at first.

I was just skateboarding around the houses where I live. Alone.

Yep, I thought I was the only person who could enjoy doing anything alone. Without anybody accompanying me.

It was 5 in the evening. I started to make my way faster because I just found a spacious and scenic place right near where I was standing.

I was just wondering why do I haven't known this place before? Its a big lake in the middle of this city, I think.


Seseorang terjatuh dihadapanku karena dia baru saja menabrak papan skateboard yang sedang kukendarai ini. Ugh, why do people always have to be so annoying? That's why I don't like being around them. I just like doing everything alone, by myself. And this guy who's just fell off the road starts groaning.

"Ugh! what are you doing there? At least try to get me up."Oceh orang itu, belum juga mencoba untuk berdiri.

"You're the one who crash me, Bastard!"Kataku. Orang itu sekarang berdiri menghadap padaku.

"Do you have any idea of how stupid you are? If you aren't here to skateboarding around my house, I wouldn't be like this!"

"That's your fault, you should be careful if you're walking across the street. At least you should've known if that there are people that use this road other than you."Jawabku, menatapnya kesal.

"Thanks for saying all of that stupid answers! And now, can you just go away from my fucking view?"Katanya. "You're really bothering me."

"You're the most annoying person I've ever met. I hope I'll never meet you again."Jawabku, dan membalik arah untuk ketempat yang indah tadi.

"Where are you going? You're going to the wrong destination!"Sahut lelaki itu lagi.

"Why would you even care? I go to wherever I want to be."Jawabku lagi, orang itu berdiri dan berjalan pincang ke sampingku.

"Of course I care! Its my house. Are you going steal my parents?"

"Fool, you should check if you have a brain inside of your head. Or maybe I've stole it away?"

"This is pointless, okay? Can you just go away from here?"

"Now see this, I am turning around, alright? And one more thing, would you please be less of a bastard?"Jawabku, dan membalik arah.

"Go home, its too late for a girl to come home at night, its not good."Jelasnya, aku melihatnya dengan tatapan aneh.

"Alright, now you act like you're my father."Kataku, sekarang gantian dia yang menatapku begitu. "Even my parents don't care about me, but you do."

"I don't care if you'll get home late, or not even go home. All I care about is, you shouldn't be here anymore."

"Deal, I'm going!"Kataku, dan pergi.

Such an annoying boy.

God, why do you have to protect those beautiful view with an annoying security? Why is that annoying boy bothering my new perfect location to go? Its the nearest beautiful lake I've ever seen. But that boy is all that matters.


Aku duduk terdiam di balkon kamarku. Hanya memandangi taman yang telah dirawat ibuku dari jaman aku masih kecil, yang sekarang sudah tak terawat lagi karena kepergiannya dari 2 tahun yang lalu. I miss her so much.

LAKE [a hayes grier fanfiction] | ON EDITINGTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang