5. The Lake

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soo this chapter would be the ending.


"And the sunset turning red behind the smoke, forever and alone."


Matthew POV

Aku sedang berada di ruangan dimana Aisyah dirawat. Sudah 2 hari aku disini. Sampai sekarang aku masih memikirkan hal apa yang bisa membuat ingatannya kembali. I have no unforgettable memory with her.

I miss her. I miss how she talks. I miss we were climbing a tree together to watch a sunset. I miss how we took a weird faces pic. I miss how she makes me laugh.

"I really wanna see you open your eyes. I really wanna talk to you. I really want you to know that I miss you. I really want you to get your memories on your mind back. I really want you to be mine."

"Um, she won't hear you, Matt."Kata Luke.

"I know."

"I got to go with Nash, take care of her."Kata Luke. Dan selama aku disini, Hayes sudah tak terlihat disini lagi.

"I want you to spend your holiday with me, just like we were before. Before you went here. I still couldn't believe this."Kataku. "I've said I won't let you go. How do I know if there's gonna something bad will comes to you? I think we were supposed to be together."Kataku lagi, seperti bicara sendiri, tapi aku berbicara pada Aisyah. I stroke her hair and I smiled. I miss how she smiled at me.

Aku tidak mengatakan apa-apa lagi. Aku hanya diam sambil menggenggam tangannya, berharap dia bisa menggenggamku balik. And then.... I feel like someone grab my hand back. Oh my God, thank you. Even though she was under her conscience.

"Thanks, baby."

Kemudian dia membuka matanya perlahan.

"Hey, morning."Sapaku padanya, bersikap biasa. Padahal dihatiku aku sangat senang bisa melihatnya sadar.

"Hi who are you?"Tanyanya, dengan suara tidak terlalu jelas karena dia memakai oksigen di sekitar mulut dan hidungnya.

"I miss you so much, and it hurts to know that you forget me. We used to always hung out together, almost everyday. And then you went here with your family and your dad's partner's family. You left me."Jelasku padanya.

"Oh. I wish I know you."

"Well my name's Matthew Espinosa."

"You're on my dream."Katanya, hal ini sangat mengagetkanku.

"Really? How?"

"I don't really remember but, in my dream, I'm sorry."Katanya, membuatku bingung.

"What? Why are you saying sorry?"

"I think I shouldn't tell you. Because I know you won't hear this."

"Of course I'll hear you. I'll understand whatever you're saying."

"On my dream, we kissed."Katanya. Menghela nafasnya. Oh my God. Ini sangat menakjubkan. "And we were on the tree, after watching a sunset."

"Oh, so who do you think that boy's? I mean, you thought he was your boyfriend? Or?"

"I don't know, but its nice to see someone who's in my dream appears on my real life. Well Matt, I don't know who am I yet."Katanya sambil mengangkat sebelah alisnya.

"We shouldn't talk about it now, do you feel tired?"

"Yeah, a bit."

"Go take some rest, and I'll explain you everything."

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 16, 2017 ⏰

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LAKE [a hayes grier fanfiction] | ON EDITINGTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang