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I really hate you! How could you do this to me? Now that I get to start loving someone else?!

I march to your office, my sandals clicking on the floor with my heavy purposeful steps. Thinking that you're just tripping the heck out of me. Out of all the hurt that you've caused me for these past months and for bringing back all the feelings in just a blink of an eye????

I slapped you with all my might!

Ha! You deserve it, you impossible creature! Idiot! I could name a thousand more if you like!

I can't stop myself from trembling, stammering and blabbing in front of you. I'm as angry as a hyena in amok. I pushed and punched you a few times. I know I should say something more to get all of my anger out but the more words I got out of my mouth, the more I get weaker.

I blame your face! I blame you! How could I stay angry with the way that handsome face is looking at me?

How when I can feel now that you like me?

How when I can see the love in your eyes?

Your genuine, sweet smile on me?

But all it took was just a peck on my lips to silence me.

And all I could think about right then is how soft your lips are and I want to kiss it more.

Then you lean again.

The next one lingered for God knows how long, a passionate one. The kiss alone answered a lot of questions that were left unanswered back then.

I understand now.

I love you, you whispered in between kisses.

My heart swelled with happiness and I couldn't stop my smiles and tears while kissing you.

And I flushed more.

I found myself drowning in you again. It's like you and me were the only ones existing at the moment, everything and everyone else forgotten. Even the hoots and teasings of our officemates faded into the background.

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