first day of school

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I quickly woke up to my alarm clock.
Once I was up I quickly went to take a shower, Luna followed me but stayed outside by the door. She always has.


I took a long shower today to wake me up. Once I was showered I got dressed. Last night Bella came in and helped me make sure my closet was organized the right way. It was.

I wasn't really that cold so I decided to lose the big poofy jacket my mother had bought for me and stuck with black skinny jeans and a white/beige cropped sweater shirt (?)

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I wasn't really that cold so I decided to lose the big poofy jacket my mother had bought for me and stuck with black skinny jeans and a white/beige cropped sweater shirt (?).
Along with some heeled combat boots.

Once I was dressed and my hair was dried I quickly straightened it and did my makeup. Mascara and lipstick.


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When that was done I strapped Luna into her vest and harness and went downstairs with Luna by my side

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When that was done I strapped Luna into her vest and harness and went downstairs with Luna by my side.

Once downstairs I heard noise in the kitchen.

"Bella is that you" I ask. It was really creepy it got very quiet all of a sudden when out of nowhere.
"No, it's Stella your other sister" when they said that I made a face and heard Bella laughing.
"Hahaha laugh at the blind girl" I deadpanned. She stopped laughing.
"I'm sorry Ash, (Bella's nickname)
are you ready to go"  She asked. I nodded my head.
"Yeah I'm ready" I say.
We get into the car with Luna sitting in the middle. When I feel Bella hand me something.
Feels like a granola bar.
"Here eat it" she says.
"Thanks little sis" I say with a smile before biting into it.

Once the car stopped i in unbuckled my seatbelt and got out. Immediately I heard whispering, when Luna hopped out I heard someone gasp and even more whispering. I ignored them. And started walking with Bella and Luna to the office. I've been to sighted schools before but most of my life I went to a school for the blind. Here in forks they didn't have any schools for the blind so I had to go to forks highschool.
Apparently I am going to have a guide to help me this school year.
Once Bella and I got our schedules Bella started checking them to see if we had any classes together. I knew we didn't, I was a senior now. The only period we had together was lunch. 
Once she left I felt a tap on my shoulder .
"Hi, I'm Selena, I'm going to be your guide for the school year" 'selena' said. She sounded nice.
" Hi, I'm Astrid but people call me star or Ash" I say.
"Cool, I love your dog she is so cute " she says. I smile and thank her as well as telling her Luna name.
"Ok so we better start heading to class. You have English with me and my twin brother Santiago, but everyone calls him Santo" she says while walking. When we finally stop she opens a door and leads me to the teacher he signs my slip and lets me sit next to Selena and I'm guessing her brother.
"Sup" he says.
"Sup" I say back.
I quickly take out my laptop and start taking notes. It's easier this way because my keys are brailled.

Throughout the day I met more of Selena's friends. There was her twin brother Santiago and his girlfriend Izzabelle who goes by Izzy, she is very nice she liked my outfit. Then their is Sebastian or Seb who is Selena's boyfriend, and Katerina and Damon. They are together as well. Very nice.


The cafeteria was very loud until I walked in. It got very quiet. We made it to a table and sat down. 
   Then someone yelled out.
"HEY BLINDY WHY DONT YOU COME OVER HERE, I CAN SHOW YOU A GOOD TIME" some guy yelled out out everyone started laughing. That was so embarrassing. Out of nowhere Damon yelled out.
"Yo Nick, why don't you shut the hell up before I go over there and shut you up myself" 
"Thanks I said. With a little smile.
"No problem, your our friend, we look out for our friends" he said. Everyone voiced there agreements.
Throughout lunch we all talked and joked and laughed. I gave Luna her lunch aswell. Though I had her under the table. They told me about the Cullen's kids and how the youngest and SINGLE Cullen was staring at my sister. Kat asked me if she could pet her, when I said yes, for a little all the girls started petting her. They loved Luna and Luna loved the attention. At first I thought I would be awkward around all these couples but it is actually really nice.

Throughout the day I kept getting made fine of about being blind I would either ignore them or just stick my middle finger up or my new friends would say something.

Today was a good day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2018 ⏰

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