12. [ You Could Never]

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"What?" I asked confused. Taymor would of told me if him and Ayleo dated.

"Its not my story to tell. But someone had to tell you. Don'T blame Ayleo for what happened. It's not his fault he's like this look deeper and pass  just him. I'm not telling u to forgive him"

"Im confused. What do you mean?" I walked closer to him. He shook his head.

"Taymor's...not who he appear as. He starts off nice..and then changes..Mateo promise me you won't trigger him" he said grabbing my shoulders ..

"What triggers him?" I was getting curious. "Don't bring uo him's family. Have you guys fucked yet?" I moved uncontrollably.

"No" he relaxed a little. "Good. Do not let him break you down. Mateo be strong, please promise me you'll be strong" he pleaded. I puleld him into a hug. "I promise" i chocked out.

"Its not his fault. Taymor's...dangerous Mateo...I have to go now" he said stepping back.

"WAIT" he jumped. "Come with me" i grabbed his arm.

Me and nahmir walked into Taymor house.

"Hey baby-"

"You and Ayleo dated?" I said getting straight to the point. Nahmir pulled on my arm.

He looked behind me at Nick. His face expression changed

"You fucking told him!?" Me and Nick jumped

"Dont yell at him" i said low.  "Mind ur fucking business" he slapped me across the face then pushed me out the way grabbing Nahmir.

"I told u to keep ur mouth shut" he said pushing him against the wall.

Tears was threatening to come from my eyes. But i promise Nick I'll be strong

"He had to know!!" Nick said. "You know this is all ur faul-"

"SHUT UP. We wouldn't be here if didnt keep ur pretty little mouth shut"

"FUCK U TAY!" he then punch Nick in the mouth

"STOP" i scremed. He pushed Nick on the floor. I ran towards him helping him up.

"Are u ok" i asked checking his face. His nose we bleeding.

"Imma go" he said. "Yeah leave" Taymor called out. Nick left.

"Why would u do that?!" I asked him. He looked across my face. His face expression changed again. He walked towards me i stepped back.

"Baby. Im sorry i didnt mean to hit you" he said in a soft voice.

"What did u do to Ayleo?" He stopped walking. "I- why does it matter?!" I jumped at his statement. He grabbed my arm roughly.

"Let me go Tay"

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" I looked at him quirky altered by his outburst

"He called me that. And i hate it. Don't ever call me that again. Understand?!" He shook my arm causing my arm to hurt.

I grabbed his arm trying to loosen his grip on my arm. "Please Taymor..let me go" he pushed me back causing me to trip over my foot.

He looked like he was having a argument with himself

He then laughs. "I'll tell you what i did to him" he said catching my attention.

"I loved Ayleo. But he was always doing shit i didnt approve of" he said smirking  I looked up at him

"He was so clingy, he was everything i thought i wanted" he said.

"Sucked dick like a pro" i covered my ears and shut my eyes tight not wanting to hear anymore.

I felt him rip my hands off my head.

"He would touch me, it drived me crazy. You could never" i shook my head.

"No you wanted to know so im telling you..is this what u wanted to know? How i would beat the fucking shit outta him everyday. And how he ran back asking me to forgive him" tears came up into my eyes

"He would even do theses things." He hand touched my waist. "It was crazy how he did them. I never question. I just wonder can u do them too" his face was close to mines.

His hands ran up my back catching me off guard. "Can u do those things for me" he kissed my neck. A moan slip out my mouth.

"Once he left me...well once i got locked up. I found out he became an image of me"

He only smirked at me. He pulled my face closer to he's. Then whispered

"He learned from the best"


"YOU DID WHAT?!" His hand raised up slapping me. He then yanks me up.

"What were you going to gain from sharing that information to him?! Hmm Nick what will it be?!"

I felt so weak around him. I had no choice but to submit to him.

I tilted My head to the side lowing my eye level to the ground.

"I was wrong. " i said lowly. He then pushes me back i stumbled but didnt fall.

"FUCK NICK UR SO NERVE RACKING!!"  I jumped backing up. He grabs my arm. "Do not walk away from me" he whispered in a threatening tone.

Tears ran down my face. He pulled me into a hug. "Im s- i apologize nahmir. I didnt mean to scare you" he said rubbing my back. I just cried harder.

Im too afraid to leave him..he just as dangerous as Taymor..Taymor made him this way. And he's going to do the same thing with Mateo.

"A-Ayleo?" I chocked out. He rubbed the back of my head asking what.

"T-Taymor..h-hit Mateo" he froze up.

"What?" He asked pushing back from me. "WHEN?!" he yelled i closed my eyes tight breathing hard.


"We were at his h-house..and he g-got mad when Mateo confronted him he slapped him and told him to mind his bus-" he cut me.

"That has nothing to do with me" i looked at him quickly. "What?! You have to help him. You know how dangerous Taymor is!"

"Like. I. Said. That's not my business" i was getting angry with him.

"BUT THATS UR BROTHER!" I  Screamed in his face. He grabbed me roughly

"He's no brother of mines" he spit out. "Never will i couldn't give a fuck even if i tired"


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