31.[ How Does It Feel?]

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Nahmir haven't got back yet and I'm worried because he coughed up a lot of blood. I haven't been to sleep, it been almost a week. Where is Taymor and Ayleo ? Are they not concern of our disappearance?

"Hungry?" I was snapped out my thoughts from s voice I whipped around and saw Keke

"W-Where's Nahmir? You said he would be back" he stepped forward I stepped back as a atomatic response. He stopped walking frowning

"He had to get surgery and is recovering in another room." My eyes widened "so he's here?!" He nodded. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding "can I see him?"

He shook his head "no eat, he's resting. Guards are watching him so he will be safe" he said sitting a plate of food on the dresser near the door

I looked at the food for a long time then back at him. "Why are u pretending to be nice?" He smiled then leaned on the door frame "let's just I'm not pretending" he said

He then turns around to leave. What does he mean. Not pretending ?


Nahmir and Teo are irritating me, yeah it fun to leave for a day but a whole fucking week?!

"Did you find them?" I pushed Taymor out my way needing to find a lighter so I can relieve some stress. "did you not hear me?!"

I whipped around fast . "If I didn't fucking answer then apparently I didn't now leave me the fuck alone!"  He stepped back. I sigh then ran my hand threw my hair

"Where's my lighter?!" I asked he shook his head and turned around to walk away but I grabbed his arm turning him back around "Where is it?!" He looked at me "I don't fucking know, now let me go bitch" I pushed him roughly and tripped and fell

"Find.it" I demand feeing my hand shake.he stood up "no! I wasn't the last one who had it pothead, find ur own shit" I grabbed his shit pushing him into the wall

"Watch your m-mouth" I said as my words came out shaky. "You don't own me now let me go you crack head!!" his words Made my blood boil I closed my eyes and let out a breath.

"Taymor. I am not finna play this game with you. Nahmir and Teo are fucking missing and you want to hide things from me. Give me. My fucking. LIGHTER!"

"Oh so now you fucking care?! Get the fuck on with that bipolar shit Ayleo. One day you care the next day you don't. Nahmir's your fucking boyfriend and Teo's your brother but you rather treat them like shit" I pushed him and stepped back.

"He's not my boyfriend and Teo's no brother of mines! And u really wanna go there. Right now?!''

"You playing with poor Mateo heart! So please don't come at me like I'm in the wrong when you're wrong too. Don't be a hypocrite"


"I don't care Taymor" I said turning around to walk away. "Why won't you just admit it. You care for both of them and, deep down in ur twisted little heart you love them" I gritted my teeth

"I don't love sluts" he laughed "so now we're slut shaming? Wow I didn't know we still did that. And If that's the case ur the biggest slut here. YOU FUCKED ALL OF US, How does it feel to fuck 3 people? Bitch?!"

I stood there staring at the wall, balling up my fist as this weird feeling filled the inside of my body

"Huh? They're gone Ayleo and WE don't know where they are. How does it feel not knowing where they are ?! You can't fuck me everyday, booty holes get loose!"

"Aw yeah. Here's ur lighter" he threw it on the floor "that won't numb the pain forever"

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