Hyungs Weekend pt. 5

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This room is so cool. I'm really great full the boys did this for me. I've never really had friends that were boys besides Geo. I miss him & my girls. I should have them visit. I should call Geo. I get out my phone & decide to call him.
"Hi Geo!"
Hi Y/N! What's up?
"Nothing much! Just at this hotel. The Hyungs of the house are taking me on a 3 day vacation before we have our full weeks of school."
What do you mean nothing much then? He laughs
"You know what I mean! What are you up to?"
Nothing really. I'm hanging out with Brooke this weekend. That's all. Who are you with then?
"I'm with Yoongi, Jin, Hobi, & Joonie. Yoongi is my roommate. But he's been a little grumpy today & I don't know why. He's so small though it's kind of cute when he's grumpy." I giggle a little feeling my face heat up.
Ooo! Are you Crushing On this guy y/n? So cuttee~
"Wh-what? No. Of course not."
I approve him as your mother.
"Oh my god shut up! I gotta go Yoongi is gonna be done with his shower soon don't want him to ask questions abou..."
"About what?" I whip my head around and see Yoongi with his hair all messy without a shirt on (with pants) & just a jacket on.

My face is starting to feel warm

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My face is starting to feel warm.
Is that Yoongi? Put me on speaker!
I put Geo on speaker.
Hi Yoongi! Remember me? I'm Geo! Y/N's best friend!
Yoongi speed walks over to my phone and picks it up out of my hand.
"FaceTime me." He says sternly.
Uh ok sure.
Geo FaceTimes him and Yoongi accepts.
Uh... hi? Why don't you have a shirt o-on?
"I just got out of the shower."
So why did you want to FaceTime?
"I wanted to see if you were some creep. Guess not." Yoongi says looking at me.
"Y/N get in the shower. We need to get food soon. I'm hungry." Yoongi says.
I nod my head.
"Nice talking. Bye dude. You should visit the dorm." Yoongi says smiling.
Yeah. I should! Nice talking to you too! Bye!
Yoongi hands me the phone.
"I'm going to watch TV. Wrap it up. I'll pick out clothes for you while you say bye." He says heading to my bag looking through the clothes Jimin packed.
"O-ok. Bye Geo! Nice talking." I say smiling and waving at him.
Bye! Love you!
I end the call.
"Here's your clothes & a towel. Take your time I guess you're a girl it probably takes longer than me." He says walking over to me. I take the clothes and towel.
"I like your hair by the way. Now go get ready." He says pushing me to the bathroom.
I step in and he shuts the door. I look at the clothes he picked out.

The PJs are actually cute

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The PJs are actually cute. I like them. I don't remember owning these though. Maybe they bought me them. I'll ask once I'm done.

~Time Skip~

I get changed and dry my hair.

I know I'm going to bed soon but I want my hair to look good so I put it in a braid type style

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I know I'm going to bed soon but I want my hair to look good so I put it in a braid type style. I think it's cute.
I walk out of the bathroom and Yoongi's sitting on his bed looking at his phone with earbuds in. I walk over to my bag and put my clothes away.
"Ok! I'm ready Suga! Let's go!" I say smiling at him.
He looks up at me and stares for a couple seconds. He takes his earbuds out and puts his phone in his pocket.
"Ok let's go." Yoongi says walking past me to the other room's door to knock. I walk over next to him. Maybe he's not too bad.
"Hi guys! Come on in! The food should be here in about 10 minutes!" Jin says smiling at us.
We walk in.

Their room is similar to ours

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Their room is similar to ours. Just with two queen beds instead of one and a small bed in the corner.
I feel someone back hug be.
"Hi y/n. You look nice." It's Joon.
"Hi Joonie. Thank you." I say my cheeks turning a little pink.
"Suga's the one that picked it out for me." I say pointing to Yoongi.
Jin walks over to Yoongi and hits the back of his head.
"Don't go through a girls stuff unless they say you can." Jin sternly says to Yoongi.
"Well she was talking to her friend on the phone so I decided to get her clothes out for her so we could hurry & get over here. God." Yoongi says walking over to the far couch crossing his arms. I giggle a little. The boys look at me.
"What's so funny squirt?" Yoongi asks putting his eyebrows together. I walk over to him. I kiss his cheek.
"You're too cute." I say smiling at him.
"N-no." He says looking down.
"YOONGI'S EARS ARE RED!" Hobi yells running across the room landing on the Yoongi.
"Awww... somebody has a little crush." Jin says walking over to Yoongi hugging his head petting his hair.
"Who knew Yoongi had a heart.  That's new." Joon says smiling.
"All of you need to SHUT UP!" Yoongi yells pushing everyone away. Right then the door bell rings.
Jin stands up and walks to the door. I also just realize none of the boys have a shirt on which is kinda awkward but we're all friends here.
"Hello Mam. What's up?" I hear Jin say.
"I-I have the food." She says.
"Ooo! I'll help you Jin!" I say running over.
"Thanks y/n." He says bending down and kissing my forehead making me slightly blush.
I look at the girl smiling and she just stands there glaring at me.
"Ok here you are! Hope you have a good night!" She says looking at Jin smiling.
Jin nods and takes some of the food and heads in. I go to take the rest and the girl bends down next to me.
"You're a fat cow and don't deserve him." She whispers before leaving.
"Come on y/n get the food already I'm hungry." I hear Yoongi say as he approaches me.
I just sit there with my head down feeling defeated.
Why are people so rude?
"Y/N what is wrong with.." he says as I turn around with the food and run into him knocking him down in the process.
"Hey y/n what was that for?" Yoongi asks me as I walk in. I set the food on the table and head to bathroom to wash my hands.
"What the HECK Y/N What's your deal?! ANSWER ME!" Yoongi yells at me. I turn around and look up at him.
"You were right Yoongi. I am fat. I'm not hungry anymore but you guys can eat if you want." I say trying to hold back my tears walking past Yoongi and sitting on the couch. I curl up in a ball.

I want to die.

Hi~ Update soon & new book soon!

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