You are just a normal girl. Not too exciting. You live in a normal house and you liked it that way. One day your parents decide to move and you're very upset. Like why would they move. You had friends and have lived there your whole life. Yo...
Y/N's POV "Come on JK. Take off your shirt for me ok?" I say feeling my face heat up a little. This is for his sake. Not mine. I don't want to do this. This I got his Health. He takes off his shirt. He covers his chest with his arms. "I'm starting to w-work out s-so I'm not that b-built yet. D-don't judge please." He says moving his arms. He's very well built. He's so cute though. I giggle. He takes his pants off and is just in his underwear. I blush. Oh god. He walks over to the bathroom. I start the bath water. He gets in. I smile at how small he looks in the quite large bath. I get soap and wash his hair. He smiles and purrs (in a way) a little. "Th-thanks for this y/n." He says grinning. "Your welcome Kookie." I say.
Time Skip
"Hey Y/N. Wanna go on a walk?" Jimin asks. "Yeah sure. That would be nice to just clear the air from all of this sickness thing." I say smiling at him. "Tae, Kookie! Jimin and I are going on a walk. We'll be back soon." I say walking out the door. Jimin closes the door behind us. Jimin grabs my hand and intertwines them. I look at him and he's blushing a little. I giggle and we continue walking. Hand in hand. Just walking around in silence. Which is a silence I needed. "Y/N!" I look over and someone runs up to me. Rosè. "Rosè! Hi! What's up?" I ask smiling. She laughs. "Nothing much? So.." she leans over to my ear. "Is that your boyfriend?" She whispers. I shove her a little. "No! This is Park Jimin. He goes to our school. Jimin this is my friend, Rosè." I say looking at Jimin pointing at Rosè. "Hello Rosè. Nice to meet you." He says letting go of my hand bowing. She grins and bows back. "Hey take a picture of us ok." Rosè says handing her phone to Jimin. I walk over to Rosè. "3, 2, 1, say cheese!"
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8,233 likes rosè_1 🥀☺️
"Hey Jimin. Could I steal her for a night? Me and the girls were gonna hang out so we wanted Y/N with us." Rosè asks batting her eyelashes at Jimin. He laughs. "Yeah. I give you permission." He says still laughing. I smile but then become worried. Kookie. Jimin walks up to me and puts his hands on my shoulders. "It's fine Y/N. I'll take care of him I promise. You go ahead and have fun. Ok?" He says smiling. I smile back. How did he know? "Ok. Thanks Jiminie." I say grinning. He then pulls me into a hug. He squeezes me tight. "I love you Y/N." He whispers to me. I feel my face heat up a little. "I love you too Jimin. You're the best." I whisper. I kiss his ear lobe. I pull away and he runs away. "Bye Jiminie!" I yell as I wave. He waves with his back still turned. I sigh. "Oooo. Y/N is in loveee~~" Rosè says hugging me from behind. I look behind at her with wide eyes. "Nuh uh. No way." I say shaking my head. She laughs grabbing my hand. "Come on! Let's go!" Rosè says dragging me along.
Time Skip
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6,334 likes y_n_151 Aren't we cute?💞💞 (Go follow them)
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8,122 likes ji_soo ❤️Best Friends❤️
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5,123 likes jennie_ Ilysm😊💞
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8,223 likes rosè_1 💞💞 "Okay guys~~ let's talk about something I know cringey and stereotypicalBUT we're doing it anyways."Rosè says smirking as we all lay on her bed. "Oh god is it boys?" Jennie says rolling her eyes. I look at her and we both chuckle. "Yes!" Rosè says bouncing. Me Jisoo and Jennie all look at eachother like oh god. What have we gotten ourselves into. "Well there's nothing much to say about me. I don't like anyone." Jennie says shrugging. "Yeah same." I say coming closer to Jennie. Jisoo nods. "Yes you guys do~ I know it. And I'll get it out of ya." Rosè says smiling at us. Oh god. "Ok well I can obviously say Idon't like Jimin and Jungkook. That's for sure." Rosè says folding her arms. "Wait do you live with Jimin too?!" Jennie asks looking at me surprised. "I thought you just lived with Namjoon, Yoongi, Jin and Hoseok. Wow Jungkook and Jimin too. Dang." Jisoo says sitting up. "Did I not tell you guys? I'm pretty sure I posted their pics on Instagram. Yes I live with all of them. I live with Taehyung as well." I say. They all sit up and stare at me. Mouths wide open and eyes wide.