7 boys

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Hi!! It's Ana the author of this book. I really hope you enjoy it. This is my first BTSxReader book so I hope you'll excuse me if it's bad. Thanks xx

Y/N pov:

Oh my gosh.

Wtf just happened.

Why. What did I do.
Did I not do the dishes, or clean my room, or FLUSH THE TOILET?! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS? Ugh. Might as well introduce myself. I pretty much just got dropped off here and they're all in their rooms so I haven't even seen them yet.

10 minutes earlier
Still y/n's pov:

"Ok y/n, here's your dorm." My Mom says opening the door.
I look in and it's messy and smells like...
Oh what is it... it's...
"It smells like boy." I say plugging my nose.
My mom glares at me.
"I've talked to their families and know that they are great people. They're very kind and are flirts so good luck."
"What do you mean good luck? And how many people are we sharing a place with?" I ask walking in.
My parents look at each other.
"Honey we have to leave and might not see you for a while. We're going to be living in another home. Away from here. WAY away from here. Just good luck sweetie. Don't cause to much trouble for the 7 boys. Love you bye." She says waving.
"Bye honey!" My dad says closing the door.
"WHAT THE" I say running to the window seeing they took are getting into a limo going way away from here.
They dropped me off... with 7 random boys... by myself...


Y/N pov, present time:

I walk around the dorm. It's not too messy. I think I may of just overreacted because I was in the mud room. (Shoe/jacket room) The kitchen is really nice. I suddenly hear a door open. I gasp and hide in the living room. I'm currently sitting behind a couch. My heart is beating really fast.

"I wonder when she's arriving. Her parents said around this time." I hear someone say.
"I'm so excited to see her! I bet you she's cute!" I hear another energetic voice say.
"I bet you she's beautiful." Another voice says.
"Yeah. Ok then. Guys just chill ok. You might scare her. She's probably not used to so many guys at once. Let's just play it cool."
"Play it cool?! I'm just so excited to see the cutie!"
"I hope she's shorter than me though..."
"Yeah that's a stretch. She may be though. Keep dreaming."
"I just wanna see her."

I peek over to see 7 boys all staring out a large window. I shouldn't bother them. I decide to sneak into my room which I'm guessing is the one on the very end. I start sneaking over. Sadly this is wood floor so it's very slippery. I'm sneaking and suddenly I feel something under my foot and I slip. Onto the wooden floor.
"What was th.."
I look at them and they're all staring at me.
I scratch the back of my head.
"Uhhh... hi." I say waving awkwardly.
They all keep staring.
One of them shakes their head to snap them out of their trance.
"Are you alright?" They ask.
I look up.
"Uh yeah. I'm good. Just slipped." I say.
"Sorry we were being so rude just then. Guys let's introduce ourselves." He says looking back at the other 6.

Damn. They're good looking.

Wait WHA-

Heyy. I hope you like it so far. I hope it's not too terrible. I'm sorry. It'll get better I promise. See ya next chapter xx

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