Chapter Five

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Once I'd recovered enough energy to move around it was early evening. I placed the bell on a tie and bound my hair up with it. Then I replaced my shihakushō with a kimono. I have a weakness for beautiful kimonos and had managed to collect three over the years. I could barely stand, much less fight, anyways so I might as well wear whatever, right?

I gave myself pretty even odds whether he'd kill me or not. Even lower odds of me getting what I wanted but I hoped if I ate a little crow and got extremely lucky my silver tongue could get me out of this.

I sat and poured myself a cup of sake, drinking a liberal amount to keep my resolve for what I'd committed myself to. I picked up my book and settled in to wait.

He showed up later than I expected. One point in my favor, if he'd been extremely pissed he probably wouldn't have bothered with anything else before tracking me down.

He picked me up by the throat and pushed me back against the wall. It wasn't comfortable but I could balance on the balls of my feet. Point two, I was much smaller than he was so the fact that my feet were touching the floor meant he was probably more annoyed than pissed.

I didn't resist, didn't let my expression change, just let him hold me there as he pulled the tie with the bell on it out of my hair. Unbound, my hair fell down to brush against my chest. I'd bound the kimono loosely and the jar of being pushed against the wall had opened it enough to show my collarbones and a good bit of skin below.

I met his gaze. The intensity, the over-dialation of his pupil spoke of what others might have labeled insanity. I suppose they would have been afraid. I wanted to drown in it.

I smiled ingratiatingly, "Zaraki-taichou, I sincerely apologize for the actions I took to get your attention. I imagine anything less you would have dismissed out of hand."

He growled at me, "You're an idiot."

I forced myself to speak smoothly, "An idiot who's willing to do whatever it takes to join your division. You saw me fight today, I was holding back. You want the strongest fighters. I'll be bored anywhere else."

I saw his lips curl slightly, showing canines. My feet moved slightly more towards the floor. Good, at least I wasn't going to die. Probably.

"You don't lack nerve, I'll give you that much. Why should I do what you're asking?"

"I want to get stronger. I want to fight. Life's nothing to me without that drive, that exhilaration. And the best opportunity is with you. I'm already strong and I'm nowhere near my limit. I'm willing to give my strength and my speed, my sword and my body to get where I want," I'd made the hint as subtle as I dared. If I'd done this correctly there was a chance he'd take it.

His smile stretched into a slight grin and the hand not around my throat touched on my shoulder and slid down to brush against the lock of hair that had fallen against my chest. He was testing me to see if I was intimidated. Looking to see if I'd flinch. I gave no sign, but where he'd touched felt like fire. I almost moaned. Damn, I wanted him but I didn't dare give that away.

"Alright, I'm interested. I took the time to look back at your application. You're not just bragging." I felt my weight settle fully back onto my feet but his hand stay against my neck.

I brought my hand up to his hand still against my chest and drew it further down between the swell of my breasts and held it there.

You said you'd do whatever it takes," his growl was even lower. Damn that was sexy.

I'd made a huge bet on how he'd react to a woman who could beat up his men and push him without going overboard into an outright challenge or disrespect. Everything I'd done had been aimed at teasing him. Really, once he'd calmed down how seriously could anyone take it? I'd crashed his training, fed his lieutenant candy, and stolen a hair bell. The worst I'd done was push him on a decision. Still, as I'd been told, if you screw with a bull you might get the horns. I was lucky I'd judged his temper correctly.

"Mmmm, I have some lovely sake on the table," I glanced that way, thankful my tone remained steady. "If you'd like I'll pour you a glass and we can arrange that?" I left the last word as a question, not wanting to push. I was still dancing on the edge of a knife. I couldn't help it, part of me loved the rush.

He finally pulled his hand from my neck. I slid his other hand off my chest and moved to the table, righting the chair I'd been sitting in earlier. I pulled up the sleeve of my kimono and poured a second cup before taking my seat once again.

He sank into the chair and drank some of the sake I'd poured for him. "Tell me how you moved so fast. I can't sense your spiritual pressure now but earlier it wasn't strong enough."

"It was a single-use trick, Zaraki-taichou," I responded humbly, "I can consume a large portion of my spirit energy to temporarily fuel strength or speed. I knew it would only work, at most, once and I was right. You caught me and knocked me off balance the first time." No harm in a bit of honest flattery.

"You're Reiatsu is essentially gone right now?"

I held his gaze, steady. "It recovers quickly, but yes, I used most of it."

He grinned at me, "And what's to stop me from taking what you're offering right now?"

I met his grin with a pleasant smile, "A few reasons that I'm sure you've already considered. We're not in your barrack, any questions raised here might be awkward. And once I get what I want I can stay very enthusiastic about my decision."

"Ha," he let out a short bark of amusement and stood. "Fine, then. Hope you don't regret it."

He left. I poured myself more sake, it really was excellent stuff. The grin I'd been suppressing crept over my face and I felt Kurai Yoru's amusement twist in my mind. I wasn't sure which part she was excited about. It was well-known that Zaraki took the form of a demon in his bankai, I wondered what that meant to her.

I received orders to transfer the next day.

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