Part Seven (XXX)

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"Are new recruits going as well?" one of the men asked.

Yumichika rolled his eyes. "What kind of question is that? You are aware you joined Captain Zaraki's squad, right?"

We'd just been told we were heading for a group of hollows spotted outside one of the districts to the north. I was thrilled. I would have been pissed if new recruits had to miss out. I wondered if the idiot who'd spoken up would be the first in my group to die.

I couldn't help it, I grinned. I could feel Kurai Yoru's bloodlust burning through my veins. She had literally been made for this. Personally, I was just ready for a damn good fight.

"Any more stupid questions?" Yumichika asked. "No? Good, let's go."

God I loved him.

We followed Yumichika on as direct a path as possible, which meant cutting through the woods. When we were about twenty minutes out a flash of pink landed next to me.

"Kenny's coming!" Yachiru chirped.

They must have been nearby then.

"Hey!" her eyes opened wide as she looked at me. "Miki, you had candy."

"Yes, I did, Lieutenant," I agreed. "I have cookies in my room if you would like some."

"Yes!" she yelled then looked thoughtful.

"Do you want to help me steal Byaki's fish tonight?" she offered.

"Um, of course, lieutenant," I wasn't really sure what else to say.

"Oooo this'll be fun!" she squealed and bounced up.

Zaraki had appeared. She landed on his back.

"Kenny! Miki's helping me steal Byaki's fish!" she announced to him.

I cringed. Hadn't thought that one through.

"Huh, so that's where they've been going," he said.

"Mmmhmmm," the lieutenant responded happily.

"What have you been doing with them?"

"Setting them free!" she chirped back.

"That seems fair," he commented and let it go at that.

Within another ten minutes we had arrived at the last location the hollows had been seen. It was eerily quiet. No birds, no bugs, no rustle of leaves above.

We slowed to a stop and I drew Kurai Yoru. I could feel her excitement buzzing against my skin.

"Darken, Kurai Yoru." I called her release command and the zanpakto shifted to reveal the serrated section of the blade.

Suddenly I heard screams and chaos descended. A dozen hollows had appeared, they must have had some strange power to materialize since they were suddenly standing in our midst. The first one had caught a man unaware, raking huge dark claws through his chest.

Kurai Yoru claimed a small amount of my Reiatsu as I used her to block a hollow bearing down on me, too close for me to rely on my unaugmented speed. The monster screamed, like the grating of rusty metal, and swept another set of claws towards me.

I ducked and threw myself under the strike. I felt a small line of fire as the tip of one claw caught and ripped through my shihakushō to draw blood. A small sacrifice. In exchange I was able to slice Kurai Yoru through the back of the hollow's ankle. The hamstrung monster screamed again and slapped a giant hand down at me.

I brought Kurai Yoru up to block only to have the hollow vanish, with me standing, blade raised above my head. Damn, I'd forgotten the hollow's weird power.

Don't Tame Your Demons: Kenpachi Zaraki x Mika *New*Where stories live. Discover now