(CHAPTER ONE)-Running away

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(Elizabeth) pov

I was sitting on my bed while watching *The Hunchback of Notre Dame* when i heard my parents slam the front door close as they left to go to a party, i sigh as i look in the mirror to see the bruises pn my arm and around my kneck that are from the beating i got this morning for breaking a plate on accident, i see my closet in the background and start to weigh my options. So far i could only think of three, #1 i call the cops on my parents and have a 50% chance of going to an abusive family, #2 i run away and try my hardest to stay hidden until everything calms down and live my life with a 30% chance of my parents finding me, and #3 just end it all by slitting my wrist. I started thinking and decided to go with option two, i quickly grab a black bag and stuff it with clothes my toothbrush and some toothpaste, i grab my iPod and head phones along with some extra batteries with it's charger, i than went over to my DVD player to put the movie in its' case so i could take it with me, but when i touch the DVD player i felt a painful shock of electricity go up my arm and through my body, as i felt my self falling, everything went black. When i opened my eyes i was falling through a void of white, when i looked down i saw that i wasn't wearing my normal clothes, instead i was wearing a black and orange dress that had ruffles and looked very beautiful,

 When i opened my eyes i was falling through a void of white, when i looked down i saw that i wasn't wearing my normal clothes, instead i was wearing a black and orange dress that had ruffles and looked very beautiful,

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((this is what she looks like in this world))

when i looked back up i saw that i was now falling through the sky. I screamed and pulled my arms to my chest as i waited for my death, i was surprised when i felt myself gently touch the ground, when i opened my eyes i was surprised to see that i was in an old town, it looked strangely familiar but i just brushed it off as i started walking through the crowd that was going on with their lives like they didn't just see a girl fall from the sky and survive. I kept looking down when a few guards looked at me and started whispering to eachother, i heard some music up ahead and couldn't help but walk towards it, i gasped when i saw a familiar face
' Esmeralda? ' i thought, ' this can't be happening ' i think, ' i am actually in the movie ' i scream in my head. I smile and decide to enjoy myself, she sees my smile and pulls me into the circle of people that stand there watching, i follow her dance perfectly as we dance to the beat, she smiles and we laugh as we dance around, our smile fades when the guards i saw earlier come up and try to take her money, i grab it away from him and hand it to her while i glare at the guard, she laughs and grabs my hand, we run away after messing with them and hide behind a statue. We giggle and she holds her hand out to me,
" I'm Esmeralda, it's nice to see that I'm not the only one who teases the guards " i nodd and shale her hand,
" I'm Elizabeth, you can call me liz, and it's great to see someone who doesn't take crap from thise stupid guards " she smiles, " i know we just met, but you've got skill and i would love it if you would come with me " i nodd and soon we are at a tent, and i smile, this will be my new home.


Word count 634

The Bells Of Notre Dame (Quasimodo x (oc) Elizabeth)Where stories live. Discover now