(CHAPTER TWO)- carnival of fools

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(Elizabeth) pov

It has been a year since i was sent into the movie and i have lived with my sister Esmeralda, she addopted me as her sister when i saved her from some guards a week after i shiwed up, we do performances and dance in the streets, but today was specail, it was the carnival of fools, i smiled at the memory of how fun it looked when i watched the movie but frowned when i remembered what would happen to the bell ringer. I sighed as i got into my costume that i would wear for the act we would be doing, i was wearing a baby blue belly dancer costume with a head set and red pendant that had peacock feathers on it.

 I sighed as i got into my costume that i would wear for the act we would be doing, i was wearing a baby blue belly dancer costume with a head set and red pendant that had peacock feathers on it

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((every bit of the costume is what she is wearing))

When me and my sister were getting ready a man tripped into our tent, i ran over to him since i was clothed as my sister covered herself in her black robe, the man tried to hide his face as he frantically apologized, " i-i'm so s-sorry, i-i-i didn't mean- " he froze when he looked up and we locked eyes, i smiled and helped him up as we stared at eachother, " it's alright, it was a accident, don't worry " i say, and as he walked out my sister popped up and looked at him, " by the way, nise mask " she said, i winked at him and i saw him smile as he covered his cheeks. I giggled as the stage man said we would be on in 5 minutes, i look at my bag that has all my stuff, i pull my iPod out and put a song on, me and my sister sing along to the song, i was glad that everything came with me, but was surprised when everything resembled the dress i was in when i first got here, i was also over joyed that my iPod never lost charge and was allway at 100% so i was content with my life here as a gypsy. Soon we had to out there, when we got onto the stage everyone got quiet, me and my sister smirked as we started to dance to the music that the band played

We danced and i went up to the judge, i used my scarf to pull him in as if i were going to kiss him but i push his hat down and danced back to the stage where my sister was, i saw that she caught the eye of a guard and smirked as we both did the splits, i winked at the man from earlier as Esmeralda winked at the guard. I saw the man cover his face once again as he looked away, i smiled as me and my sister stood up, we ran to a pair of guards and took their spears, we then threw them into the wood of the stage and spun around them, we wrapped our legs around the spears and slid down, then the dance ended. I smiled as i got up, we bowed before disappearing behind the curtain, we ran to our tent laughing and i quickly got changed as my sister went out for the contest, i put on a green dress that i loved to wear when i wamted to relax

 I smiled as i got up, we bowed before disappearing behind the curtain, we ran to our tent laughing and i quickly got changed as my sister went out for the contest, i put on a green dress that i loved to wear when i wamted to relax

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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