I'm Sorry

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Doctor Strange POV

The scream. The scream is what broke me out of my trance. I immediately opened my eyes to see the portal disappear before Peter could even make his way through. My eyes widened and I stood up and looked around. The ground around me was in ruins. Good thing nobody was harm- "Tony!" I said suddenly. I looked around frantically, trying to find him. "Stark!" I ran over to the last place I saw him. My cloak detached itself from me and started looking around for him with me. I frantically started digging around until I saw a red and golden tint in the ground. His suit! "Tony!" I ran to the spot and started digging while my cloak pulled on him. "Tony can you hear me?!" If he was dead than I would never be able to live with myself. Tony may be a complete pain in my ass but I did not give up the time stone for him to defeat Thanos and than die right after.

I started pulling with the cloak and soon we pulled his whole body out of the ground. "Tony!" I took his face plate off and I was met with a horrific sight. His right cheek had a slash across it that caused blood to trickle down his face, his nose was facing an awkward position with blood coming out in a slow stream, his face was red and covered in sweat and dirt, he had another gash right above his right eye that looked terrible, and his chin was busted. I started shaking. I did this. I slowly reached out and put two fingers against his skin, checking for a pulse. I let out a sigh of relief as I felt a slow but steady pulse. I quickly muttered a healing spell under my breath and Tony's face healed right up, along with the rest of his body. "Tony?" No response. I sighed as I got up and looked down at the man. I motioned for my cloak and it came and attached itself to my back. I slowly picked up Tony bridal style and opened a portal back to where Peter was. I stepped through and saw Peter pacing back and forth while Bruce was trying to calm him down. They both turned to look at me and I looked down at Tony. Peter immediately ran over.

"Is he ok?!" He said frantically. A couple of tears escaped his eyes. I nodded.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," I said quietly. Peter wiped away his tears and nodded.

"It wasn't your fault," he said quietly. I looked up at Peter and he gave me a soft smile. "So, he's going to be ok?" I nodded.

"He was in bad shape but I used a healing spell on him," I said gently looking down at the man. Peter nodded and looked up at me with a twinkle in his eye.

"Thank you," He said gently. I responded with a confused look. Peter smiled and continued. "You didn't have to save him, you could have just left him. You decided to help him though, and because of that he's still alive. So, thank you." I nodded and motioned for Dr.Banner. He came over quickly and took a look at Tony's face. He examined it for a minute and than took a step back with a satisfied look.

"You can't even tell anything happened," he said with a grin and then looked Tony up and down. "We should probably remove him from his suit to check for injuries on the body. Even though you used a healing spell, I want to make sure he's all right." I nodded and gently laid Tony on the ground. I carefully started to remove his suit different pieces at a time. Once most of the pieces were removed, I picked him up bridal style again. Dr.Banner came over and examined his body. As minutes ticked by I realized how light Tony was, it felt like I was holding a child. I looked down at his face and I felt something in my chest. A tight squeeze was felt, but it quickly disappeared. I looked up to see Peter smiling at me and Dr.Banner checking Tony's stomach.

"What's the smile for?" I asked tilting my head a bit. Peter looked at Tony than back at me.

"You don't entirely hate him, do you?" He said crossing his arms. I was a bit taken aback by the question. I stayed silent for a moment as I glanced at Tony for a second before I turned back to Peter.

"I don't hate him," I said with a serious tone. "He can be an asshole." I paused before continuing. "But I don't hate him." Peter nodded and smiled. "Don't tell him that though!" Peter let out a laugh when suddenly, his eyes drifted to something behind me and his laughter quickly ceased. His face showed a hint of fear as he slowly walked towards me. He made eye contact with me and I could make out the anger, fear, sadness, and panic in his eyes. I turned around to see none other than Mr.America himself walking towards us.

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