Valentine's Day

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Warnings: Lots of anti-Valentine's Day ranting, one swear word 

Word Count: 971

Author's Note: I promise I don't actually hate Valentine's Day! It was just for the sake of the story. I hope you guys enjoy it!  

You regretted not calling in sick the second that you clocked in. It was a matter of minutes before you were faced with the first smiling couple walking into the restaurant arm in arm.

"Good afternoon," Tyler, your coworker and close friend, smiled at you.

You forced a smile as you tied your apron around your waist. His eyebrows immediately furrowed in confusion at your less-than-friendly disposition.

"It's Valentine's Day and we're working at one of the nicest restaurants in this part of town. I'm not looking forward to serving lovesick couples all day," you explained.

He shrugged, "I think it's kind of nice to see people this happy. It gives me hope."

You shook your head, you should have known he would find a way to put a positive spin on all this.

You were two hours into your shift and already about to scream. The only break you had had from the couples was one family who brought in their kids, but that had only ended with the youngest screaming and dumping apple juice all down the table. You had nearly burst into tears at that one, but Tyler had helped to calm you down.

"I just don't understand why people have to make such a big deal out of this holiday," you grumbled as you arranged plates onto your tray. "Why can't we just love someone every day of the year?"

"You can," Tyler said. "It's just nice to have one day where you can make them feel extra special."

"That's what birthdays and anniversaries are for."

Tyler looked over to you as he was filling up a drink, "Y/N, why are you hating on love?"

"I'm not hating on love! I'm hating on the idea that corporations feel the need to monopolize on human desire to participate in so called national holidays."

"You're a real character, you know–shit!" Tyler said.

You turned just in time to see the cup that he was filling up overflow and pour over onto his hand, soaking his shirtsleeve in soda. Grumbling, he grabbed some napkins and began to wipe up his mess. You quickly picked up your tray and walked out to your table, not wanting to get caught up in that mess.

By four hours into your shift, it was getting harder to put a fake smile on your face as you delivered an array of heart-shaped and brightly decorated foods to patrons. Tyler was still on your case about hating love, and you two would debate the matter at any opportunity you were given.

"So are you telling me that if someone said they wanted to take you out for Valentine's day, you would just reject them because you don't want to help the corporations make profit?" Tyler asked.


"So if your celebrity crush burst through the doors right now and confessed their love for you, you would just say no immediately?"

"Well, that's a different case..."

"But you would help the corporations!"

"I would politely ask if we could postpone a day."

"This is a one-day offer."

"Let me think about it," you grumbled.

During the sixth hour of your shift, you were beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Your lively debate with Tyler was helping to keep your mood light, and thinking of arguments you could make against him helped to distract you from just how enamored with each other all the couples in the restaurant were.

"Relationship or not, the discount candy the day after is easilythe best part of Valentine's Day," you said.

Tyler shook his head, "You have interesting priorities, Y/N."

"Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't go to the nearest grocery store and load up on a month's worth of discount chocolate on February 15th."

Tyler turned and looked you straight in the eyes, "You're wrong. I load up on two months worth of candy."

"Ha!" you said, pointing a finger at him.

"But that's not the argument I'm making! Yes, the discount candy is good, but it isn't the best part."

"Cheap candy is the only worthwhile part of the holiday."

"It's about being around the ones you love."

"Is it, Ty? Because look where you and I are right now," you said before walking off to deliver food to your table.

You almost started crying tears of joy as you clocked out. Tyler waited as you gathered up your bag, and together you two walked out of the restaurant.

"So how are you going to spend the rest of this awful holiday?" Tyler asked.

"Probably go home, eat some ice cream, watch Netflix, and cry about how lonely I am," you answered sarcastically.

"By celebrating your loneliness, aren't you playing into what the corporations want in your own twisted way?"

You stopped dead in your tracks and turned to face Tyler, "How could you say that to me? Now I have to find totally new plans."

"What if I took you out on a date?" Tyler asked, surprisingly casual.

Your heart immediately started racing, "Are you being serious right now? Because if you aren't, that's a cruel joke."

Tyler smiled, "I'm being 100% serious with you. I was going to ask you earlier today, but hearing you argue about how terrible of a holiday this is was way funnier."

You brought a hand up to your mouth, "Now I feel awful."

"Don't," he laughed. "Our eight hour argument was the only thing that made working bearable today."

You ran a hand through your hair, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, now why don't we go feed into this awful holiday and get a nice dinner?"

"Just as long as we save enough money to get two months worth of discounted candy tomorrow."

"Now that's an argument I can get behind."

Tyler Joseph x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now