Milkshakes: Part Four

313 13 13

Warnings: Family drama

Word Count: 2070

Request: No specific request, but a lot of people wanted a part four to this series :)

Author's Note: As per usual, make sure to read parts one, two, and three before you read this one so that it makes sense! This was really fun to write and I hope all of you enjoy it as much as I did :)

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 "I like that one," you said as Tyler finished playing a melody. He turned and looked at you over his shoulder.

"You do?"

"Yeah, it's very calming to listen to."


Tyler grabbed his notebook and started to write something down. While he did that, you checked your phone to make sure your parents hadn't texted you and told you to come home. Ever since the huge fight with your mom nearly a week ago, you had spent most of your afternoons at Tyler's house. Being surrounded by his loving family helped you forget about all the drama happening in your own. You and your mom were barely speaking to one another, and your dad, not wanting to be in the middle, was barely speaking to anybody.

"Are you ok?" Tyler asked, lightly rubbing your arm.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I started thinking about my parents again."

Tyler frowned, "I know. I'm sure your mom will come around eventually."

"I don't know, it's already been a week."

"She will, Y/N. I think it's just going to take her a little while to get used to the fact that we're... you know."

"Yeah, you're right," you said, forcing a smile. Although it didn't change anything, you appreciated Tyler's effort to be reassuring.

"Why don't we go downstairs and get a snack? My mom just bought stuff to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches."


Tyler gave you a quick kiss before standing up and walking into the hall. You rolled off his bed and followed after him, challenging him to a race down the stairs as you went. This resulted in the two of you in a pile in the entryway after Tyler took a corner too fast and brought you down with him. Thankfully the worst injury was Tyler hitting his funny bone against the floor.

"That's the last time I challenge you to a race down the stairs," you laughed as you offered him a hand to help him up.

"Sorry," he said. You covertly admired his tensed arm muscles as he pulled himself up. "I'm kind of competitive."

"Competitive is an understatement."

Zack and Maddy were already in the kitchen, bent over a pot of something on the stove. Since Kelly and Chris were out, Tyler decided to step in and be the responsible older brother.

"What are you two up to?" he asked, leaning in so he could get a better look at the stove.

"Making mac and cheese," Zack answered.

"Why does it matter?" Maddy asked, turning to Tyler. Before he had a chance to answer, she spotted you and started smiling. "Y/N! I didn't know you were here!"

She ran around the kitchen island and slid along the floor into your arms, nearly knocking you over. You smiled and hugged her tightly.

"I just wanted to make sure you weren't going to burn the house down," Tyler said. "Why are you standing over the water?"

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