Valentine's Day 2020

379 15 4

Warnings: None

Word Count: 735

Author's Note: And here's the Tyler post of the day! Although they aren't related, you can also check out the Tyler posts from 2018 & 2019 as well :) I hope you all had/have a lovely day!

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Someone knocked on the door, drawing your attention away from the TV for the first time that day. You frantically looked around at the disheveled blankets and candy wrappers that were strewn around you, evidence of the fact that you had barely left the couch all day. Maybe it would be best to just pretend like you weren't home. If anyone asked you could say that you were out with Tyler, nobody had to know that he was halfway across the country on tour.

Then you remembered a text that you had received from him earlier that morning.

If someone knocks on your door today, make sure to answer it! I got you something special :)

It was probably a bouquet of flowers, Tyler's normal Valentine's Day tradition, which meant that you would only have to see whoever was delivering it for a few minutes. You were sure that they were used to seeing people in baggy sweatshirts on Valentine's Day, right? Surely you couldn't be the only one.

You fixed your hair in the mirror next to the door real quick before pulling open the door. The bouquet of flowers caught your eye immediately, full of your favorite yellow and orange flowers, but it was the person holding them that really took your breath away.

"Tyler!" you said. It felt like there was a little rainbow wheel in your head, working to try and figure out if it was actually him standing in front of you or just your imagination. As soon as he smiled, you knew it was the real deal.

"Surprise!" he said, holding his arms out.

You rushed forward and threw your arms around him, still being careful not to crush the flowers between the two of you. He gently wrapped his arms around you, holding you close to his chest. Last you had heard, he was in Washington getting ready for the next show and might be able to squeeze in a late night FaceTime call if you were lucky. There hadn't been any mention of him showing up at your front door.

"How did you get here? I thought you didn't have any time?" you asked, finally letting go of him and inviting him inside.

"I managed to pull some strings and get on a flight early this morning. I can only stay for an hour or two before I have to get back for tonight's show, but I figured that was better than talking to you through a screen."

You quickly got the flowers in a vase so that you could join Tyler on the couch. Since he could only stay for a few hours, you wanted to make the most of the time you had.

"I can't believe you would do something like that for me," you smiled, starting to idly pick up the wrappers you had left everywhere. Tyler was nice enough to not comment on it.

"Of course I would, you mean the world to me."

You leaned forward and kissed Tyler. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer. Aside from not being able to spend Valentine's Day together, you hadn't seen Tyler in a few weeks since he left for tour.

"I missed you so much," you said.

"I missed you too."

You smiled and leaned against Tyler's shoulder, just enjoying being close to him. His hands were moving idly along your back, tracing patterns.

"I think you should just stay home forever," you laughed.

"I would if I could. Or you could join me on tour sometime."

You leaned back. The idea had crossed your mind many times, but you had always been too scared to bring it up. Joining him on tour felt like a very serious step in your relationship.

"Really? You would want me to do that?"

"Of course I would. It's better than being away from you all the time."

"Ty, I would love to," you smiled.

"Then it's a plan. On the next tour, you're coming along."

You smiled and crashed your lips into Tyler's again. It was hard to believe that just a few hours ago, you had been sitting on the couch alone eating candy as you watched TV. Now you were with Tyler, talking about joining him on the next tour. Things had really taken a turn for the better.

"I love you," Tyler whispered.

You smiled against him, "I love you too."

Tyler Joseph x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now