Oh no.

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I had a peaceful sleep until I felt someone grab me aggressively. I opened my eyes I was being carried away with duck tape around my mouth, wrists, and feet. Shikamaru couldn't hear a thing. My heart was pounding out of my chest. Then it went pitch black and I couldn't do anything!
I forced my eyes open to see people standing around me. They were wearing black robes with red clouds. THE AKATSKI! I had become so angry that my eyes turned pitch black. All of the tape fell off of me. All of the members eyes widened. I had noticed who was the weakest somehow. I decided I was gonna knock him out first. He had an orange swirly mask on. "Get her!" One of the blonde haired guys shouts. "I'm trying!" Screams another brown haired. I had looked around and noticed the sharighans on one of them. My eyes widened. "You?!" I scream with anger. "Her chakra levels are rising too high! Everyone get out!" The blonde haired guy screams. Everyone decided to run away. Everyone was gone. -stab noise- AUGH! He got me! I clenched my fists and took out the guy who stabbed me. I flinched my eyes at the pain in my gut. I ran out and somehow nobody could see me. I made it back to the village somehow. I was so tired I collapsed right at the gate. The last thing I saw was blurs of the gate guards.
I blinked many times until my vision wasn't blurry anymore. I look to my side and I saw Shikamaru sleeping. "Hey dood." I say softly. He instantly woke up and screamed "You're awake!" I attempted to sit up but I couldn't because of the pain from the stab wound.
This was short because I'm very lazy today :) I might post more tomorrow. Also if there are any spelling errors it's because I hurt my wrist. ANYWAYSSS adios- Attack Helicopter ❣️

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