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" come on think about Heavenly " my friend Daphne said.

" Look I already have two jobs, I barely see her enough as it is " I said.

" Savannah you did this to yourself " Daphne said.

" wow thanks " I said folding clothes.

" Oh you know what I mean. Your the one that had a baby at 17 not me. " she said.

" yeah yeah I get it. " I said.

" Listen I just want whats best for my little princess. " she said picking up my 1 year old baby.

'' Im trying. I know I messed up but look what I got out of it " I said kissing my baby's cheek.

" I know I know. Hey why don't you go get yourself some coffee run some errands or whatever I will watch Heavenly for you. " Daphne said.

" are you sure ? " I asked.

" yep " she said nodding.

" thank you ! " I said grabbing my purse and making my way to my car.

I got in and drove to the nearest cafe. Ok so Im 18 and I have a baby. I know I know. But in my defense, well I got nothing. I was being a little rebel and I had a baby. But she's the most beautiful little girl.

She looks like me but she's blonde and Im more tan than her. Ok so she doesn't look so much like me but she has my nose. Anyways I ordered my coffee and went on the patio. I decided to sit down and enjoy the beautiful day. As I'm sipping my coffee someone walks up to me. I notice who he is but I didn't want to say anything.

" hi " he said.

" hi " I said.

" i'm Harry " he said holding out his hand.

" Savannah " i said shaking his hand.

" Im sorry to interrupt. But I saw you and I couldn't help but notice how beautiful you are " he said.

" oh why thank you " I said.

" may I sit ? " he asked.

" of course " I said.

He sat across from me and we began to chat.

" so Savannah what are you doing later ? " he asked.

" um well nothing really " I said.

" would you like to maybe get some dinner ? " he asked.

" well you see, I don't want to freak you out. But I have my own baby. And I don't like to be away from her for a long time " I said.

" I thought you were 18 " he said with a concerned look.

" I am its a long story. " I said.

" well I'd love to hear it " he said.

" really ? your not freaked out ? " I asked.

" of course not. You had a baby young so what " he said.

" oh. Well I had this boyfriend. And we had been dating since eighth grade. So about 4 years. I thought we were going to be together forever, anyways long story short one day we were hanging out and things happened. He wasn't using protection and I got pregnant. My parents disowned me but my aunt and uncle help me out. And now I live in an apartment with my friend. " I said.

" wow I'm sorry about your parents but hey were in town for a bit if you ever need help I'm available and if I'm not I can make myself available " he said.

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