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A girl, scared to love anyone in fear that they too would be torn from this world

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A girl, scared to love anyone in fear that they too would be torn from this world.

A boy, who could find love even in the emptiest of places.

The r a i n poured for the first time on the 4th of May, 2018. But not just in one town, or one city. It hit all of Denmark.

The people it didn't kill straight away, well, they got a chance to infect a hell of a lot of others before they also perished.

Ida was nine and a half and hiding in her house in Copenhagen, alone.

Rasmus was ten and safe in a bunker with his older sister.

They were both s u r v i v o r s.

Six years later, they discovered one couldn't live without the other.

As if they were a each half of a whole;

the two pieces of a puzzle.


R a s m u s     a n d     I d a

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