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november 15 | k

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november 15 | k.th | 18:59

shuffling into the diner was a sure understatement for the lithe, overdressed male named taehyung. being late for an assigned date was the last thing he had hoped for, and sadly, that had come true. many pairs, including the waiters glared at the male with an unsettling tone before going back to their meals and orders, taehyung however, could only keep his eyes on one person. gazing across the room he spotted the younger male seated at the same familiar round table, across from a female, his face grew hot as he continued to stare, he couldn't help but admire the side profile of the younger, jeongguk.

taehyung bowed in despair as he noticed the glances from the others, feeling rather uncomfortable at the feeling. he scooted to the table, pulling the handheld device from his pocket, quietly speaking to it. ❝ what does this person look like?❞ taehyung questioned, eyeing the restaurant. a live feed video popped up on the device, showing a male seated at a circled table. his blonde hair sat perfectly on his head, slightly swayed to the right, his slightly puffed eyes contrasted the plumpness of his lips. taehyung truly felt astonished and speechless.

his feet drag themselves towards the table, standing above the male. ❝i-uh, hey.❞ taehyung mentally cursed at himself for stuttering the first date with this male, but he was so ethereal he couldn't help it. the male looked up, cracking a toothy smile before standing up to face taehyung holding out his hand. ❝hello. it's really nice to meet you. i'm jimin, and you?❞ the shorter male didn't seem to show any symptoms of being a shy person, which taehyung felt slightly overwhelmed at. ❝it's nice to meet you jimin. i'm taehyung.❞ the male replied, feeling satisfied with himself at the fact that he didn't stutter.

taking a seat across jimin they began to bond closely, all the thoughts of jeongguk had left taehyung's mind, and he didn't ever cross the males mind that night. after countless sets of giggling and bonding over each other, jimin places his small hand over taehyung's causing him to blush. ❝your hands are so tiny. it's so adorable.❞ taehyung admits, then bringing his other hand to taehyung's, encasing jimin's small hand with both of his. he looked up at jimin seeing a pale pink flush to his cheeks, which caused taehyung to crack his famous boxy-smile.

❝should we check how much time we have together?❞ jimin asks, slipping his hand out of both of taehyung's. the younger nods, pulling out his handheld device. ❝okay on the count of three. one, two, three.❞ they both counted down clicking the screen of their device. taehyung's shoulders dropped, jimin following the actions. they wanted to spent longer together, they've bonded so much they wanted to spent their lives together. ❝oh, well, four years isn't too short is it?❞ taehyung asked, looking up at the older with glossy eyes. jimin weakly smiled before answering the younger.
❝ i hope not. i'll make these four years count, i promise. ❞ taehyung flinched at the last words of the older.

i remember when jeongguk promised me we'd be together forever, and that never happened.

taehyung nodded, his body slightly shuttering. ❝lets get out of here, yeah?❞ jimin suggested, he truly felt feelings for the boy across from him and wanted to make each day count for the next four years. taehyung agreed getting up from the table encasing jimin's hand in his, intertwining their fingers. taehyung's heart fluttered, noticing his feelings growing stronger for the boy. they exit the restaurant noticing their car to their home. slipping inside the car the ride there was silent, though they still held each others hands.

once they arrive at the home, they watch the vehicle screech through the dirt coated path, driving to pick up the next set of couples. taehyung sighed as him and jimin walked towards the home, opening the door, revealing the exact same interior they've been viewing for as long as they could remember. closing the door behind the jimin drags taehyung to the bedroom, flopping onto the bed. taehyung crosses his legs, jimin following the same actions. taehyung and jimin now faced each other, taehyung then slipping his arms around jimin's waist, pulling the older onto his lap, allowing his head to fall into the crook of jimin's neck.

soft sobs were sounded from taehyung, which caused jimin to grow worried. grabbing taehyung's face, he pulled it up to face him, looking deep into his eyes. ❝hey, everything's going to be okay, you can always talk to me, okay?❞ jimin reassured the younger, watching him nod, wiping his tears away. jimin pushes taehyungs hand from his face, replacing it wit his own wiping the tears away off taehyung's face. jimin leaned is softly leaving a kiss upon taehyung lips. then pulling away. ❝lets make these four years count, deal?❞ jimin asks, hugging taehyung closer.


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