#5 - Man Overboard!

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Leo watched out into the sea, his mind wandering. He had taken a night shift, insisting his friends got sleep. They were exhausted from a full day of fighting, and would have collasped. Leo was tired too, but not as tired as they were.

Hazel had chosen to stay up with Leo, along with Jason hanging out in the donut room. Leo knew they were just being nice, so he tried to convince them to rest, but they refused. Leo was glad he had such good friends.

Jason came running into the engine room, wiping pink frosting off his face. He was breathing heavily like he'd just seen a ghost.

Leo turned around. "Jason, whats wrong-"

"Man overboard," Jason gasped. "Just saw him now. At least.. I think its a him."

Hazel's eyes widened. "Man Overboard? Geez, who is it?"

Jason shook his head. "I don't know. Its too dark to see."

Leo immediatly stopped the ship. "Jason, see if you can get him out. See if its a demigod, or someone from our ship. Hazel, stand ready and help Jason with the body." They nodded and hurried off.

Leo felt the ship slowly skid to a stop. Leo looked down at the water through the window and saw Hazel and Jason lugging a body onto the ship. Jason looked up and nodded - a signal to come down.

Leo skipped stairs on the way down and almost tripped over the body. It was face up on its back. Leo had to look closely to see it was a girl. A teenage girl, actually.

Hazel was peeling seaweed and grubs off the girl's face. leo realised she was pratically wrapped in the stuff - like she's taken a bath in seaweed. Leo glanced over the edge. He probably wasn't that far to being wrong.

He knelt down next to the girl's head as Jason pushed on her chest.

"No way..." Leo murmered.

"What?" Hazel said.

Leo shook his head and studied the girl's face. He wiped a chunk of seaweed off the girl's face and gasped.

"Leo, what's wrong?"

Leo shook his head. "Nothing! Nothing. Nothing's wrong."

Except, some thing was a little wrong. This girl was the same girl he'd met on Ogygia. Leo was almost happy until he realised the condition she was in.

Jason looked at him funny, but decided to drop it. "She's not breathing!"

Leo looked at Jason frantiacally. "What do we do?"

"What do you think, dummy!" Hazel yelped. "She needs mouth-to-mouth! Jason, Leo, get her breathing, alright? I'll get help." Hazel jumped up and headed for the sleeping headquarters.

Jason looked a little surprised when Leo didn't hesitate. Leo gave the girl, Calypso, air as Jason forced air out. After three breaths, the girl coughed in shock. Leo pushed her head to the side as she coughed up water.

Jason and Leo sighed in relief. Jason grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her shivering body.

Leo stared at her in awe. Calypso was here, in front of him, and he'd just helped save her from drowning. Leo felt proud of himself but worried for her. Calypso was curled up in the blanket, shivering and spitting out seawater. She seemed to refuse to open her eyes.

Leo wanted to put his arm around her, but decided it wasn't the best idea. It might scare her, and it would bring a lot of confusion to his friends.

Jason tried to help her sit up, but she stayed firm, curled up on the floor next to Leo. He sat awkwardly beside her. She clutched his hand.

Leo wasn't expecting it, but he didn't move. For a moment he thought she might know he was here, but she was probably just looking for comfort and warmth. Jason took no note of it, thankfully.

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