(BoO) Its been confirmed.

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  • Dedicated to NOT Rick Riordan! >:(

Its been confirmed.

And I hate it.

You hear me, Rick Riordan? I. Hate. It.

Gods, why did they ave to reunite so horrbly! I was so sure, no doubt about it knowing that Calypso was important and she wasn't just there for show, but Rick did the exact thing I thought wouldn't happen!!

I am angry.


Made me want to punch a wall.

This is why I want all you you (few) people to tell in the comments everything you hated about Blood of Olympus Caleo reunite. 'Cause it sucked.

Feel free to comment how you wished it would happen, what you don't and do like about Caleo, the ups and downs of BoO, and just about anything else about Caleo and BoO you want.

I would do it myself, but I've lost all hope on Caleo. Thus, all my strength is gone too.

Feel lucky I'm updating this, everyone who actualy reads this story.

If I get the chance (and energy) to continue this story with better alternatives than the book, I will. Please put in suggestions in the comments.

Comment, vote, and check out mah profile please! Warms my puppy-dog heart!

~Alex :3

(ps. want me to start a rant? no? okay i'll shut up now :))

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