Beach pt.3

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OK, so I know I said I would do like 2 or 3 but i am doing at LEAST (so more than)4 now bc there is so much I want to put in, so I'm sorry but I am doing more then 3 xD

(at the house after the first each day, everyone retreats to their rooms)

Monika: I am going to bed....

Piper:  No.....come on Monika we are gonna play games!!!

Monika: You guys can play ut i am really tired... *goes to bed*

(Lily sneaks into the girls room)

Lily: We can play truth or dare!

Girls: Ya/ok/lets do it!

Piper: OK, Lily Truth or Dare?

Lily: dare!

Piper: *whispers* oki want you to play Victorious by Panic! At the Disco right into Monika's ear

Lily: *grabs phone and plays Victorious into Monika's ear*

Monika: *turns over in bed then glares at Lily*

Lily: *turns it off and slowly backs away*

Girls: *holding back laughs*

Lily: ok then, Mckenzie Truth or Dare??

Mckenzie: Truth

Lily: What is it with you and Alex betting money on things other people do?

Mckenzie: Well usually I am right, so I just do it now bc I am mostly right


Mckenzie: ok, Rose Truth or Dare?

Rose: DARE!!!

Mckenzie: *thinking* I want you to go downstairs and change the cereals around

Rose: what?

Mckenzie: Change the cereal and box, like put the cheerio's in the life cereal box and just switch them all around!

Rose: Ok!

(Rose sneaks downstairs and switches the cereals and boxes around, then giggling she sneaks back upstairs)

Rose: I did it *still giggling*

Girls: *all start laughing*

Rose: ok Piper Truth or Dare?

Piper: ... um... I am going to do what most people have done and say dare!

Rose: *evil smile*Ok, go into the boys room and scare them with this *hands her a scary Tiki mask*

Piper: no no no! they would kill me!

Rose: they would not kill you... 

Lily: *mutters something to Rose*

Rose: *smiles as she hears it and nods to lily*

Lily: stop being a chicken!

Piper: what?

Lily *smirking(NOTE: the next part they are tricking her into doing the dare by offending her, they don't mean any of what they say)* a tiny chicken

Piper: *grabs mask* I AM NOT A CHICKEN!!!!

(Piper walks out of the room, The girls hear a "Boo!", a thwack noise and then someone crying. Immediately the girls run into the boys room and this is what they see: Piper on the floor sobbing, holding her head,  Alex hold a broom in his hand as if he hit someone and all of the boys staring at Piper)

Monika: (who has woken up and walked into the room) What Happened?!?!

(No one responds)

Monika: I said, WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?!

Alex: *scared* S-she came in and I just.....*looks at broom in his hand*

Monika: *walks and crouches beside Piper* Are you ok?

Piper: *mumbles between sobs, then shakes her head*

Monika: *walks out  an arm around Piper and glares at Alex as she walks out*

(door slams behind Monika)

Rose: Why were you holding a broom Alex????

Alex: We were joking around about a fight

Lily: And you were carrying the broom...why?

Alex: we were going to fence with brooms *points to Troy, who is holding the other broom*

 Troy: No one was meant to get hurt...

Mckenzie: *slightly angry almost yell* WELL DUH!!!

(The girls each return to the rooms and no one talks the rest of the night until everyone falls asleep)


(Alex is the first downstairs and he looks scared, everyone is up before Piper comes downstairs, holding an icepack to her head)

Girls: *rush over* are you ok?/ does it hurt?/ I am so sorry!/ is there anything we can do?

Monika: *pushes the other girls away and takes Piper over to the table*

Piper: *looks at Monika* *weak voice* thanks for last night!

Monika: Well not just anyone can hurt my child!

Piper: *small laugh*

Alex: *slowly approaches, in fear(mostly of Monika)*

Monika: *blocks the way*

Piper: Monika, it fine, he doesn't have a broom

Monika: *steps out of the way with an growl*

Alex: Piper, I am soooo sorry, I had no intention of smacking your head an---

Piper:  Alex, its ok I forgive you, see *takes off to reveal that the bump is already mostly gone*

Boys: *very relieved*

Well that's it, I got this idea after getting hit in the head with a pin (don't ask how or why, but it hurt), like I said there will be more beach stuff, so be ready!!

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