New Persons

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(Piper and Monika have come back and I'm adding Frederick as a character, but just imagine he was already a character)
(A/N: this chapter is going to be very short, because I have my HALLOWEEN SPECIAL (Yep still very excited) coming soon xP)

Piper: *kicks door open* HEWO MY FAM, WE'RE BACK!!!!!

Everyone: *crickets*

Monika: very welcoming....

Mckenzie: Well I mean I thought a complete stanger burst through my door

Alex: YOUR door?

Mckenzie: yes, I bought the house, it's my door

Rose: How did you even pay for this

Mckenzie: Magic *waves hands around*

Piper: anyway... we have a suprise!!!!

Everyone: what?

(Piper moves to the side and 4 girls are standing there, 3 look about their age and one looks 13)

Alex: uhhhh who are they???

Piper: this one *points to the 13 year old* is my sister, Olivia


Frederick: terrifying...who are the other 3?

Piper: This *points to a squirrel girl* is Emily

Emily: Hello!
(Emily: medium length blonde hair (kept in a low pony tail by a scrunchie), blue-gray eyes, glasses, crazy[in a good way], silly, says oof, rip and tragic too much, easily annoyed (specifically by Piper), is a potato, half squirrel, short but taller then Piper)

Piper: This lovely doggo*points to Chesapeake Bay retriever(It's a breed of dog, go look it up) girl* is Charlotte

Charlotte: I'm not a "doggo". *turns to the rest of the group and waves*
(Charlotte: short brown hair, hazel eyes, glasses, athletic, tough, I would not mess with this girl, funny and gentle (towards female friends), strange, unique(In the good way), creative, confident,(also has talent for doing hair) half Chesapeake Bay Retriever, tall)

Piper: This motherly figure *points to spotted owl girl* is Skylar!

Skylar: Hi!
(Skylar: long blue-black hair, brown eyes, glasses (sometimes wears contacts), smart, very motherly, weird, ships (that's a description word now), can be scary when she wants to, fights with Mckenzie about being mom, tall)

Mckenzie: I will fight you for the position of mother!!!!

Skylar: Bring it!

Piper: and finally, this majestic fennec fox *points to fennec fox girl* is Brooklyn!

Brooklyn: Heyyy!
(Brooklyn: long beach blonde hair, hazel eyes, can be sassy, weird, very silly, artistic, creative, fun to be around, has good sense of fashion and style, amazing with hair, scary, is a living cupid, confident, ships, half fennec fox, medium height)

Ethan: so you just brought home MORE people to live in this house?

Piper/Monika: yes!

Piper: well Olivia won't be staying forever and I knew Lily was moving out with Max, plus we can have Troy and Rose share a room

Rose: WHAT???? NO!!

Piper: sorry....*cough ships cough*

Troy: I am going to stab you

Piper: suure, anyway we have extra rooms, I don't even know how but we do!

Mckenzie: your welcome! Also Alex that's 5 dollars, I told you she would bring new people

Alex: *hands 5 dollars* ughhhh how do you know these things?!?!

Mckenzie: *waves hands* MAGIC!!!

YEEEE WE ARE HERE!!!!! YAY!!!! NEW PEOPLE! oki so I do have the Halloween special coming and yes ik it's late but pfffft whatever, I am also going to list the ages as Glitterchu did to show the differences (NOTE: not all characters use has are in my book, I am also replacing Maddie with the character Autumn, look in Glitterchu book for more info) (SECOND NOTE: the characters ages are not younger copies, so the ages are different):

Emily: 20

Mckenzie: 21

Skylar: 24

Charlotte: 21

Monika: 22

Brooklyn: 22

Olivia: 13

Ethan: 23

Jake: 23

Brian: 24

Troy: 25

Max: 23

Lily: 22

Vicky: 26

Danny: 26

Frederick: 23

Alex: 23

Piper: 20

Rose: 24

Lauren: 24

Hayden: 23

Nikki: 24

Brooklyn: 20

Autumn: 20

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