Klance x Lonely child reader

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Thanks to @ThatEdgyBitch for requesting this, I do NOT own Voltron or any other show! Thanks, any gender will work, you are 7/8 also this will contain Spanish swearing, in the comments swear as much as you want.

 You looked at the stars and planets though the glass, this is all you knew, space. Papa always talked about earth and what it was like, he talked about thinks like grass and dirt and the ocean, papa loved playing in the ocean, he said some day I will get to feel the sand in between my toes. One of the things you wanted the most was a playmate, you've never even met someone your age. Dad and Papa are always too busy to play or for bedtime stories, or for goodnight kisses, you told them you were ok with it, your not though, inside all You really wanted was a friend.

Your papa Lance walked into the room you were in

"Hello mi amor *, how are you?" Your papa hugged you


The alarms went off, your papa jumped at this

"Oh mierda**

"Papa!" You scolded him

"I'm sorry mi amor*, I have to go now I love you." He patted your head and went to the main deck, now you were angry. 'Why does the universe hate me?!' You stomped out of the now quiet room.

You sat in your room and locked the door like always, when the castle was under attack you went to your room, there was a tiny note you had had sense before you could read that said

•lock door

•turn off lights


•stay quiet

You never really had to, no bad guys had ever gotten in, you mostly just ignored the note. You just sat on the bed. There was an occasional thump as the castle was hit but that was to be expected, then a big bump, the lights went out and everything was quiet. You hid under the bed. You could hear footsteps down the hall coming closer.


The door fell you could see feet from under the bed. You held your breath and closed your eyes.

"Well hello there little (girl/boy/child)..." a scary looking galra looked at you with his one eye. You screamed afraid for your life. He grabbed your (long/short/other) hair and pulled you out of under the bed.

"Help! Help me!" You cried and screamed, he then hit you with the back of the head knocking you out.

-time skip-

You woke up in dark cell, all you could do is cry, the guard looked at you and spoke

(If boy)

"Boys don't cry, get off your ass and man up!" He then slapped you

(If girl)

"We get it your a damsel in destress! Now shut up!" He grumbled

(If your non-binary)

"Get off your ass kid! Life's not all fun and games, get up!"

-end of gender specific scenario-

You sniffed and wiped your tears, just then the whole ship was shook.

"They're here, grab the kid!"

You ran to the back of the cell, you didn't want them to get you.

"Get back here you runt!" You ran in-between his legs and ran out the cell, You ran as fast as your small legs would let you. You took a turn and then another, you didn't care as long as it was away from them. Just then you were grabbed and pulled into a small room. You kicked your legs.

"Young paladin please stop squirming." You looked at the man with lavender colored skin and short scruffy dark purple hair, he looked around 18 to 20, he was gentle and nice.

"Who are you?" You wiped away tears.

"Zax, but that's not important, all you need to know is that I'm from the blade of mamora." He still remained gentle as he pulled out a similar knife to your dad's

"Can I hold your hand?" You were slightly embarrassed but you needed comfort. Zax smiles and held his hand out.

"Of course young paladin."

You and Zax walked out of the room to the escape pods, killing a few guards on the way.

-time skip-

Zax steered the escape pod as you sat on his lap 'helping' once in a while. Then a screen showed up in front of the wheel.

"Hello, please identify yourself." You knew that voice it was Coran!

"Coran! It's me!" You poped up and waved your arms. Your papa and Dad showed up on the screen

"(Y/n)! Are you ok!?" They both looked frantic

"Yup, Zax saved me and KICKED ASS!" You smiled as you explained in 'vivid detail' how awesome it was adding sound effects and large hand movements.

-small time skip-

"Papa, Dad!" You ran up and hugged them tightly.


"Oh it was nothing..." Zax blushed as he was gushed over

*my love

** oh shit

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