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I was in the middle of eating my dinner in the great hall. I was tired and done with the day. It was only the first day of classes and I was already tired of it.

As tiring as the classes are though, Hogwarts will always be my home.

As I was about to get up and head to the prefect meeting I was suppose to be in charge of as head boy, a light can at the center of the room. It was quick, but grabbed everyone's attention, even the professors looked confused.

Not a moment after, a girl appeared. She had black hair and seemed pale. I couldn't see her eyes though, because they are closed. The looked unconscious. She fell from the air and onto the floor. Everyone gasped.

Suddenly Headmaster Dippetts voice boomed throughout the room.

"The Head Boy and Head Girl will take her to get medical attention, immediately!"

And with that I got up and went over to her. I picked her up, and the Head Girl, whoever she was, because I hadn't bothered learning her name, followed close behind.

I noticed the girl was in Slytherin robes, which just made me question further, who is this girl?

We finally arrived and the healer, Mad'am Pouchy took care of her immediately.

"Who do you think she is?" The Head Girl besides me asked.

How was I supposed to know? She literally just appeared out of thin air.

I just ignored the utterly stupid question, which left us in a silence.

Soon enough, Mad'am Pouchy said we could visit the girl.

As I was about to go see her, Headmaster Dippet walked in, and immediately went to see the girl, so I just followed close behind.

"She just has a minor concussion, and a bruise or two."

"Thank you, Mad'am Pouchy." Dippet replied

The nameless girl layed on the bed, and as I looked, seemed so helpless.

"Thank you Tom, Julia, for bringing her down here. You may stay, or go back to your friends at dinner for the last 5 or so minutes of it."

The Head Girl, Julia, just nodded her head and left. I stayed, because of curiosity. I wanted to know who this girl was.

I knew she was a witch, because I could basically feel the magic radiating off her, which was quite unusual.

I sat beside her, and noticed she moved her hand.

As she did so, the Headmaster walked back into the room.

"She should wake up soon." I heard Dippet say beside me

"That's good. Then she can answer our questions, and we could find out who she is."

Then as if on cue, she started shuffling in the bed.

"Looks like she is almost awake."

She shifted a bit more, and at every shift, my curiosity grew a bit more.

She then opened her eyes, and revealed an icy blue color.

"Where am I?"

"Where am I?" I asked, but suddenly remembered the events prior.

I looked to see who was their, and I met eyes with none other than the Dark Lord himself, Tom Riddle.

"You are at Hogwarts my dear!" Headmaster Dippet said.

Before you ask, yes, Dumbledore briefed me on their names before we came.


"What's your name?" Tom asked


"Well Ava, welcome to Hogwarts! I'm Headmaster Dippet" Dippet told me

"You are going to be staying over night, but tomorrow Tom right here, will show you to the Great hall, and at breakfast, we will sort you. But from the looks of it you are Slytherin." He said

Shoot, I forgot I'm still in my robes!

I nodded and Tom and Dippet left the room.


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