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      Trying to sleep that night seemed impossible, especially when Jax had insisted on sitting down to talk the next morning. The night consisted of tossing and turning, waking up after only a few hours of sleep which was something Ava was accustomed to after becoming a mother. Nonetheless, her eyelids were heavy upon her face as she walked to her small kitchen in order to make coffee to ultimately save her life. She threw her dark locks up messily upon her head, securing it with a hair tie. She was dressed in a large tshirt that hung down just above her knees.

The coffee didn't seem to come quick enough and by the tie she had poured it into her mug, there was a knock on the door. A large groan escaped her lips as she took a few large sips from the boiling hot liquid. She glanced out her window to see the familiar messy blonde haired men sporting his familiar leather. She moved to the door unlocking the man locks she had installed when she lived in her home last.

"Hi, come in," Ava mumbled nervously, walking back to the kitchen and having a seat on the small table she called her dining table. 

Fidgeting nervously with her mug and almost forgetting her lack of sleep the two sat in silence for a few moments before her attention was turned to the man's smooth voice.

"The kid, is she mine?" Jax asked bluntly almost surprising the woman. She had forgotten how unintentionally blunt the man was, and almost found it comical.

Ava nodded slowly, chewing her bottom lip. Taking another sip of the bitter coffee which she hadn't made too well.

"Yes, yes she is," The woman spoke quietly, her eyes meeting the dark coffee, avoiding the man's gaze at all cost. She felt ashamed, and not because she had a child from an outlaw, but because she had split without even telling the man that she was pregnant. And now she had come back two years later to screw up his life. She felt bad, truly. But this was something she had to do.

"Jax.. I'm sorry, I know what I did was fucked up but as soon as I found out I was pregnant, I had to get out of this fucking hell hole," She made sure to keep her voice down not wanting to wake up her daughter by the commotion. And honestly, she knew it was her fault. She made her bed and now she had to lay in it.

"And now you're back, springing this shit on me," Jax muttered, clenching his jaw and looking around the woman's home that he knew all too well. He shook his head, a small laugh escaping his lips. "Fucking hell.." he whispered, everything hitting him. Reality was setting in. He already had one kid who was sitting in the hospital with a hole in his stomach and now he was just finding out that he had another kid he hadn't even met. But he wasn't the one Ava had to worry about. It was Gemma. 

"I couldn't wait any longer, Eden looks just like you so it's hard to just forget you exist when she's a constant reminder of the life I had before," She said causing Jax to laugh a little. She took another sip of her coffee, finally feeling a bit of relief. The huge burden resting on her shoulders and the sleepiness that consumed her. 

"I have to go, stop by the garage with Eden later. You know where it is," Jax said as if he was unintentionally taking a dig at her. She knew the garage all too well, and she knew once she stopped by there would be hell that broke loose. But she felt as if she owed it to him. She nodded, writing down her number on a spare piece of paper. "Call me if you ever want to see Eden or if you need anything" She mumbled, watching Jax take the paper and walk out the door.

Ava felt the overwhelming urge to just lay down and cry but she decided a shower would be the best option. To wash away every bad thought she had. She ran the warm water, stripping from her clothing and jumping into the shower which felt like heaven to her.

After about fifteen minutes she got out, running a brush through her long, dark hair. Then, she did her makeup which seemed like something she hadn't done in a long time. Her signature dark eye shadow and red lipstick. She got dressed and decided it was about time to wake her daughter up who was equally as exhausted from their trip the day before.

After getting her daughter situated, feeding her breakfast, and getting her dressed she had gotten a call from Jax to finally stop by the garage. A large sigh escaped her lips as she would now have to face everyone she had ran away from. Ava loaded her daughter into the car and made her way to the garage which was about a five minute drive to her place. As she pulled in she saw a few familiar faces, the feeling of her heart dropping to her stomach. 

As she stepped out of her car she locked eyes with Mama bear; Gemma Teller. A sadistic bitch who tried to run Jax's life and got off on causing to fear to everyone around her. One person she could not scare was Ava who stepped up to Mama Bear and often caused a few arguments between her and Jax. But that was years ago, before she became a mother. And when the only care in her mind was the club and partying.

Gemma stormed over to the woman with that look in her eyes that read, "You are fucking dead." But, Ava stood where she was, her arms crossed against her chest. 

"What the hell are you doing here!? You have some nerve showing up here, I should kill you," Gemma gave her a brutal tongue lashing which was expected. Ava had grow accustomed to it over the years. After the brutal words they usually shared a drink and few laughs together followed by words of advice from Gemma. But this was different.

"I'm not here for me, or I wouldn't be back at all," Ava spoke honestly, staring Gemma right into her cold, dead eyes. The temptation to spit on the den mother grew but she had to remember that she wasn't the same girl she was before she left Charming. Before she could let Gemma mutter out a word she moved away from her car revealing the little girl in the back seat.

The older woman's eyes widened, "Holy shit..." she mumbled, Jax now visible behind the two. His body tense as he knew his mother all too well. 

"Meet Eden, Jax's daughter," She mumbled, not thinking she would ever speak those words. 

One thing she couldn't deny about Gemma was her love for her family and especially for her grandchildren. Within an hour of finding out she had a new edition to the family she was now playing with Eden as if she had never been away from her. Ava couldn't help but smile warmly, but she knew she wasn't out of the woods yet.

"Ava, is that you?" She heard a voice behind her, causing her to jolt her body facing the voice.

"Bobby! No fuckin' way!" She exclaimed with a wide dimpled grin highlighting her features. "Missed my favorite Elvis," she joked, being welcomed into the plump man's arm. Bobby was like a father to her when she hung around the club. His words of wisdom followed by his love of pussy. She hadn't realized how much she missed the guys until they all came pouring out of the clubhouse.

All the familiar men she had known before were now welcoming her with open arms. 

"Why'd you come back?" Bobby asked as the men filed behind him as if the woman was some sort of exhibit at the zoo. Ava moved her slim body from in front of the doorway revealing the little girl in Gemma's arms that looked just like Jax.

"Meet Eden," She said, realizing she had said those words way too many times today. 

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