Piece by piece.

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It had been a few days that Ava had been crashing at Jax's place and even though she should feel safe; she didn't. And admittedly, she wouldn't until Jesse was dead or in jail. She was still on edge even if she was distracted by looking after two children and playing house with Jax. She felt like a true ole lady and the thought made the woman laugh. Never would she image being anyone's old lady. Loving the life of irresponsibility too much. But if she wasn't someone's old lady she would've been labeled a crow-eater, though, at the time that was probably a more fitting title without the sex with every man in the club.

A soft sigh escaped the woman's lips, rubbing her eyes which developed massive bags due to the lack of sleep. She couldn't sleep, eat, or even focus with the constant fear that at any moment Jesse would end up doing something to her. The sun was just rising and the woman had snuck out of bed careful not to wake up Jax who was beside her. He needed his sleep, the stress of the club and the now added stress of Ava's situation was taking an obvious toll on him.

Ava made her way to the nursery where she saw the little boy wearing a SAMCRO hat kicking his tiny feet. A large grin appearing upon the woman's plump lips as she remembered when Eden was that age. She scooped the little boy into her arms, rocking him slowly. She turned to head for the door, jumping as she was startled to see a half-awake Jax standing shirtless and leaning against the doorway with a cheesy grin plastered upon his face.

"Jesus, Jax. I told you to start wearing a damn bell," She laughed quietly, walking past him and making her way into the small kitchen where she took out a bottle from the fridge. She placed it in the microwave, warming it up and taking it out to feed the hungry boy who was cooing in contentment. Perhaps she should've felt odd about playing the role of a mother to a baby that wasn't hers. A baby her first love had with another woman. But she didn't. She knew that this little boy didn't ask to be brought into a world this chaotic and if she needed to give him motherly love, she would. No matter if Jax was in her life or not.

"I remember when Eden was this age, she cried nonstop. And I remember getting so frustrated I would just cry with her and we would both fall asleep. But Abel is such a calm, good boy," Ava cooed as she pressed a soft kiss upon the baby's forehead causing Jax to smile ear to ear. It seemed as if everything was really starting to fall into place. No matter what the circumstances that had brought them together, it felt good. Jax wrapped his strong arms around the woman, careful not to squish the baby in her arms. He pressed a soft kiss upon her head, a sight of contentment leaving his lips.

"I have to go to the club soon, I'll have someone come and watch the house to make you feel safer. Gemma is stopping by to help with the kids. If you need anything just call me." Jax had a way of making the woman feel safe even if it was temporary, it seemed like any sense of fear left her mind. She was content for once being in Charming was enough to her.

Shortly after Jax left her daughter had woken up, being busy with preparing food and tending to the children she had forgotten about her situation with her obsessive, stalker ex. A knock on the door interrupted her busy mindset and she had figured it was Gemma. She wiped her hands on a dishrag and made her way to the door opening it with a surprised expression upon her face.

It wasn't Gemma that's for sure. 

A man with graying hair and a scar on her face but wearing the club's leather. It was Chibs. She motioned for him to come inside, closing the door behind him. The look of confusion visible across her features.

"Are you my body guard?" She asked half seriously and half joking.

The older man laughed slightly, shaking his head. "Is Jax here?" He asked with his thick Irish accent. His question caused even more confusion to form upon the woman's face. Her reaction caused the man to regret his question knowing he made her worry even more.

Ava shook her head, "He said he was going to the club," She mumbled, chewing harshly on her bottom lip; a nervous habit.

"He's not answerin' his phone, I'm sorry to inconvenience ya darlin'," The man muttered turning to walk towards the door before stopping and turning to face the raven haired beauty. "What was that 'bout a bodyguard?" He asked curiously causing the woman to sight quietly. She thought of what to say for a moment before looking back up at the man who was wearing sunglasses indoors.

"Crazy exes," She mumbled figuring he'd get it. And he did. Not that he had enough exes to have those experiences with but for some reason any woman he had sex with, mostly one night stands, ended up going crazy and becoming stalkerish.

"Well then maybe I should stay until ya body guard does show up," He said more as a statement than a suggestion taking a seat on the couch. The woman didn't want to inconvenience him but it did make her feel safer than being home all alone, Gemma should be arriving shortly anyways. She grabbed a cold beer from the fridge and handed it to her, laughing to herself quietly but loud enough for the old Irishman to hear causing him to look up at her his eyebrow raised.

"I really do act like an ole lady," Ava laughed loudly which also caused Chibs to laugh. He nodded his head taking a large sip of the beer.

"Ya know.. from what I 'member I always thought you were a crow-eater," He teased causing the woman to playfully punch his arm. 

The man stayed for a while helping Ava with the kids to the best of his ability and just keeping her company until Gemma showed up. It felt nice to have the company of someone new, but she was still worried about Jax. She pushed the thought away knowing he could handle himself. And also she wanted to avoid being interrogated by Gemma. 

Jax had called that night informing the woman that he would be home tomorrow as he had to deal with some club business. A patch over. Meaning he was out of town, but she was just relieved that he was safe. Even if the rule, "What happens on a run stays on a run," haunted her mind. And honestly, without Jax being there she didn't feel safe. She felt like a sitting duck awaiting some gruesome fate. 

Gemma had offered to take some pressure off of the woman's hands by taking the children over night. And the house being quiet made the woman feel uneasy. She decided to occupy herself by cleaning, drinking wine, and watching tv. 

A large bang outside caused the woman to jump and even though it could've been a number of possibilities, something didn't feel right. Ava grabbed her phone quickly, trying to reach Jax but not being successful. Her second option was Chibs who was at her home earlier. 

"Hello.." The deep Irish accent spoke groggily knowing the woman had just woken him up from a deep sleep.

"I'm sorry for waking you up but I'm scared-" She was frantic and she wasn't even to finish her sentence before the shattering of her window made her scream loudly. Climbing into her home was the man who had promised to make her pay for leaving. She had no time to even search for her gun, she froze right then and there the thought of death plaguing the back of her mind.

"Ava! Ava!" She heard Chibs voice loudly from her phone which was now on the ground. 

Everything went black. 

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