Chapter 13

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The ground changes, it's now softer and you can't hear me as much as before, footsteps also aren't as visible as before.
I have to stop for a few seconds, I need air and my legs hurt.
Just now I take the time to, while starting to walk as fast as I can without breathing too heavily, inspect what hit me earlier.
It's a long, extremly thin but hard and sharp, throwing knife.
Trowing knifes, that could have been Ore.
He didn't run away but waited for a second at the beginning, unsure what to do. Then I lost him, he must have decided to join the careeros.

I don't slow down until I come across a river, those boots are made out of water resistant material, same with the jackets and pant. More water, this time it seems to be drinkable.
My heart is beating fast, adrenalin rushes through my veins, still stressed from the fights.
I can't stop now, but there is no bridge or way around it.
The edge of the river, where it meets the dark brown weirdly sweet smelling earth, is right before me, not even one step away.
It's quiet, the bloodbath has nearly ended. Soon they will shoot the cannons, the careeros will start to hunt us.
Suddently I hear footsteps, someone is coming, fast.
A tall or heavy person.
Climbing onto a tree? No, I'm not fast enough. The same applies to swimming, if they have a throwing weapon, I'm dead.
I scan the area, there has to be a place where I can hide.
Tall mostly branchless trees, light coming through and drawing a very detailed pattern onto the ground, a game between light and dark, not many bushes.


I can't die, not now. Not after I survived the bloodbath and even got supplies.
Then I see it, a small ruin, barely big enough to cover me.
It looks like an old hut, one room, the wooden walls covered in ivy, light yellow and the edges spiky, has to be a mutated form.
The tribute, the explosion, the blood and pieces of burning flesh that were catapulated everywhere. The smell of hot blood.
What if that happens to me too?
I hear heavy breathing, I don't have much time left and it seems to be my only chance.
I sneak towards it, hold my breath, shaking slightly.
But nothing happens.
I hear cursing, it's the guy from district four. He's alone. What does he want here? Did he see me? Where are the other careeros?
My hands are shaking, suddently it feels freezing cold.
I hear his footsteps getting louder, he's so close.
Finally he stops, doesn't come any closer, in fact he even changes his direction, he probably noticed the small ruin I hide in. Afraid of the same thing I was.
I feel relieved and sign when I can't see him anymore.
For a few moments I just sit here, try to breathe normally again.

As I slowly stand up and want to leave, I notice a small wodden, already broken box.
I put my sleeve over my hand, whipe the ive and other plants away and carefully open it.
Inside I find a sandwich and a soft and warm feeling dark brown jacket, it matches the colors of the surrounding trees nearly perfectly.
I put it on and stuff the sandwich inside my pocket, I don't have much time.
I'm still way too close to the Cornucopia, the place where the careeros want to build their camp. Well, atleast half of them. Maybe they even fight about it, that would make things so much easier.

I take a deep breath and then jump into the water, it's surprisingly cold, a few small fish in it.
When I reach the other side of the river I open my jackets again, which I closed to keep my shirts dry, and, after a few minutes of walking, tie one of them around my waist. It's just too warm to wear it both of them.
My legs are tired but I can't stop, won't stop.
The air smells weirdly sweet and refreshing. It seems peaceful, small animals hide when they hear me, no other tribute seems to be around.
Suddently the silence gets interrupted, canon shots.
The bloodbath has to be over now.
One, two, three. Finally it's quiet again. Eleven dead tributes, fiveteen alive.

Hi, so I'm back!
Sorry that I couldn't update the story, but the hotel we stayed in the last two weeks had no wi-fi (even tho they promised they had it on their website) -.-"
I came home yesterday, but was too tired.
We wanted to fly home, and then, after about 30 minutes (while I'm on the toilet, that timing) they anounced that two things broke. Like??
Tbh was nothing compared to giving presentations in school but still, sitting in a broken airplane, the pilot clearly nervous, isn't the most relaxing thing.
Then, while waiting for seven (!) hours at the airport I had free wi-fi, but.. 2% batterie.
But now I'm back home so updates will be more often!

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