Chapter 13: Confusion

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Did that really just happen? Did Harry just tell me he loves me and me him? I paced my bedroom floor; minutes have passed since Harry dropped me off back home. I can’t help but wonder what Harry was talking about last night. He asked me if Lou had told me anything else, she did tell me Harry was pretending to be lost the day I met him, but he got all defensive about it. Like maybe Lou had told me something she shouldn’t have, or told me something Harry didn’t want me to find out about.

And I can’t believe he was planning to have sex with me, well not very well planned since he had to ask Niall for a condom and thankfully he didn’t have one. Or did Niall have one? Maybe he wouldn’t give Harry a condom from the previous conversation Niall and I had about my sex life, or should I say my inactive sex life.

My thoughts were driving me crazy…well thoughts over Harry were. I know there is something he’s hiding from me, but I don’t know what it is. I can’t pinpoint this, just yet.

I remembered that was his last show of the tour Harry had let me watch last night. Harry told me in the car, while he was taking me home from the hotel that there was going to be a party to wrap up the tour. The party’s tomorrow night, I don’t even know if I have the energy to go to a party. I decided to go to bed for a bit, even though it was 10AM, this is what happens when you spend half the night arguing with Harry, you miss sleep.


From the 30 minute nap I planned to have, 4 hours had gone by I knew I should have set an alarm. I had woken up at 2pm, I must have been very tired. I checked my phone, there was a text from Har….no wait Niall, Niall had text me. Niall has never text me before, he must have gotten my number off Harry.

Text from Niall:

“Hi Charlene its Niall, I’m sorry”

Sorry? Why would Niall be sorry? He hasn’t done anything…has he?

Me: “Why are you sorry? You have nothing to apologies for.”

Niall: “Just last night.”

Me: “What last night?”

Niall: “I knew what Harry was up to”

Me: “Don’t worry about it :)”

Niall: “Can I meet you today?”

Me: “Sure, what time?”

Niall: “In an hour, I’ll pick you up”


Over an hour had passed, where the hell was Niall? Just as I thought that, a car pulled up outside my house. Wait, that’s Harry’s car, I remember that registration plate anywhere. Niall must have borrowed Harry’s car… Niall was sitting in the passenger’s seat when I opened my front door. Why were both Niall and Harry here?

Niall rolled down the window of the car and told me to get in, so I did and sat in the back seats.

“Why are you both here?” I questioned. They weren’t even speaking to each other, silence filled the car.

“Guys?” I spoke trying to get them to answer me.

“Because Niall’s an idiot!” Harry spoke harshly through gritted teeth.

“What’s happened?” I frowned; confusion was the first emotion running through me.

“No Harry, you are!” Niall’s accent deepened with anger.

“Seriously someone tell me what’s going on? Please” I asked once again. Nothing, they wouldn’t tell me.

“Fine, I’m getting out” I spoke, as soon as I tried to leave the car, Harry locked all the doors.

“Harry, what are you doing!?” Niall shouted. Obviously angry that Harry was locking us all in the car.

“You know it’s my job Niall, she is my job,” Harry’s harsh tone responded back at Niall.

What? Job I’m not a job. How am I Harry's job? This doesn't make any sense.

“She’s assigned to me” Harry continued.

“Open the air vents Harry, I want them all to see you” Niall spoke pointing at the air vents of the car, which were closed.

“Are you fucking kidding me Niall? You fucked this up, they can’t record this for the sho….” Just then Harry stopped in his tracks.

“No Harry you’re fucking this up, you can’t have all the air time” Niall responded again, speaking as though I wasn’t in the car with them anymore.

“Shut the fuck up now, you’re going to blow it all!” Harry’s voice filled the car.

“Unlock the doors then” Niall spoke in a calmer tone this time.

“Fine” and with that Harry unlocked them.

“Please tell me what’s going on?” I chocked. I felt strange, worried and terrified, this wasn't like them, they were both acting off.

“We can’t” They both turned around at the same time towards me.

Before they could say anymore I opened the car door and rushed up the pavement to my garden.

“Charlene!” Harry shouted, chasing after me up the path. I stopped but didn’t turn to face him. Instead he stood in front of me so I wouldn’t have to turn around.

“I’m sorry, you know I love you, I have to protect you from this mess” Harry’s tone sounded so soft and gentle compared to what it was like minutes ago.

“I have to go” I spoke pushing my way past him. But he stopped me, holding onto me so tightly I couldn’t move. I held on even tighter to him, I do trust him, but will I still when I find out what this ‘mess’ is all about?

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