Chapter 3- 6 Months in the War

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With the resistance- their base

As the door opened, Vector walked into the room with an annoyed look on his face

"Eggman's army is unstoppable! Without Sonic, the people are losing hope and giving into despair."

Silver, Amy, Charmy, and Espio gathered around the mass hall (I think that's what its called)

"Despair is a luxury we don't have" Silver said, crossing his arms

"I still dream that Sonic is with us" Amy said looking down in sadness

"Do you think he might be-" she began to ask, but silver cut her off

"I'm an optimist, but also a realist. Sonic is gone, Amy. And Tails is...Tails has just lost it. If we're going to win, we have to do it without him." Espio then spoke up

"Silver is right. We've been hoping for a miracle these past six months, but I'm afraid we have to make our own miracle." Silver sighed

"Eggman's army has everyone terrified. If we want the people to rally, we have to show them that strength doesn't just come in numbers"

"Not everyone is terrified. Isn't a new recruit joining us today?" Charmy asked

"Yes, a survivor from the city, right?" Silver said, Amy opened the computer to check

"I'm accessing the file now..." everyone watched the screen as she pulled up the file. Soon the door opened and Knuckles walked in

"Knuckles! What's the sitrep, commander?" Silver asked

"Happy to see you're all still alive" Knuckles relied

"Eggman's forces have chewed through our defences at green hill, and the resistance in the city is reporting that whatever finished Sonic...Sorry, I'm still not used to saying that. Whatever it is has got them running in fear." When he said that, the door opened once more and the new recruit walked in

"All except for this brave kid, who survived the battle and made it here in one piece. Meet our newest recruit." Knuckles introduced, patting his back hard, knocking him off balance. Regaining his posture, Charmy flew up to him

"Hmm, doesn't look like much." he said as he inspected the recruit

"well, neither do you Charmy, but I still managed to find a use for your pointy butt!" Knuckles said Charmy blushed in embarrassment before laughing

"Here, kid Take this. We're depending on you." Knuckles then gave the recruit a graveling hook

"Okay, let's get going, everyone! The world's not going to save itself!"


Meanwhile in Eggman's base under Metropolis

Infinite's POV

Once I finished taking care of the pesky resistance, I flew back to the base. When I arrived, I looked around me to see if I was being watched, seeing that the coast was clear I walked towards the hidden room where I locked Aurora in. I stopped, However, when I heard Eggman's voice

"And where are you going?" he asked me, I turned and faced him

"None of business Doctor, what do want?" I asked crossing arms

"Well Infinite, it seems the resistance has picked up a new recruit, I want you to dispose of him" I nodded in understanding

"Is that all?" I asked

"Yes, for now," he said to me, before flying away in his hovercraft. Once I knew he was gone for sure, I turned around and continued walking to my destination, opening the door I smiled underneath my mask seeing Aurora sitting on the bed, looking down at her round stomach, cradling it with her hands.

 Once I knew he was gone for sure, I turned around and continued walking to my destination, opening the door I smiled underneath my mask seeing Aurora sitting on the bed, looking down at her round stomach, cradling it with her hands

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(What she is wearing)

As I continued to watch her, I began to think about changing her room, to a bigger space with a window. Walking up to her, I knelt down in front of her stomach. Looking up at her, I saw her staring down at me. Taking off my mask, I placed it on the floor beside me Looking down at her stomach I placed my hands on it and began to gently caress it. I then leaned my head and started to gently kiss her round belly.

Third POV

While Infinite, gently caressed and kiss Aurora's round stomach, she placed her hands on his head and began to stroke his fur. Tears started to fill her eyes and fall down her face 'why me?' she thought to herself, her ears drooping as she quietly sobbed. Infinite's ears twitched hearing her soft cries, looking up at her he moved one of her hands to her cheek and started to wipe away her tears

"don't worry, I'll protect you and our baby" He whispered softly kissing her cheek. Standing up, he picked up his mask and put it back on his face. He then grabbed Aurora's arm and gently lifted her to her feet, Aurora sniffed and wiped away her tears with her hands she then turned her head to Infinite

"where are you taking me?" she softly asked him, Infinite went behind her wrapping his arms around her stroking her stomach

"somewhere safe, my dear" Taking off her ankle chain, he picked her up bridal style and began to walk out of the room. Looking both ways, Infinite carried Aurora to another room opening the door, the room had one window, a bed, and a window seat. 

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"you'll be safe here, love," he said, as he placed her on the bed and wrapped her chain around her ankle, he then slightly removed his mask and kissed her forehead then her stomach, fixing his mask back on he walked out of the room closing the doo...

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"you'll be safe here, love," he said, as he placed her on the bed and wrapped her chain around her ankle, he then slightly removed his mask and kissed her forehead then her stomach, fixing his mask back on he walked out of the room closing the door behind him. As he left Aurora began to cry covering her face with her hands, sniffing she wiped her tears away and got up, she walked towards the window seat and sat down. A single tear escaped her eye as she looked up at the blue sky, cradling her swollen belly 'Someone, please save me'

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