Chapter Eight: Dinner Date

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At last dinner came, and Alex was due to arrive at Schuyler Mansion at any minute.

"Oh, he'll be here any second! I can't wait!" Angelica squealed as Eliza and Peggy set out the table. "But where's Mother and Father?"

"Upstairs getting ready." Peggy replied.
She clapped her hands together and examined the dining table. It looked almost perfect. "Done!"

"Already?" Eliza asked, raising an eyebrow but smiling.

"Well, I'm going to the washroom to freshen up before dinner. I'm be back in a jiffy." Angelica made her way down the hallway and into the washroom. Peggy looked at Eliza when she heard Angelica close the door.

"You excited?" Peggy smiled.

"Yes! Oh my stars, just think, Peggy, in a few hours me and Alex could actually be together!" Eliza jumped up. "I mean, if we return each other's feelings," her smiled faded. "Or if he wants to be with Angelica instead, or if-"

"Are you kidding?" Peggy exaggerated, interrupting her sister. Eliza looked at Peggy, confused. "I saw how he looked at you that night at the ball." Peggy had admitted. "How he-" But she was then interrupted by the doorbell.

Eliza gasped.

"He's here!" Eliza patted down her blue dress and half-jogged to the door. She drew a deep breath and opened it.

And there Alex was, both hands were respectably behind his back. They both locked eyes for a minute before Eliza smiled and nodded at him.

"Alexander." Eliza curtsied. Alex's eyes lit up as if stars had replaced his eyes themselves, and then he smiled.

"Elizabeth." He bowed, but then Alex pulled out a colourful, beautiful, bright bouquet of all different flowers. "These are for you-"

"Alex!" Angelica called from down the hall, she made her way to the door as Eliza pulled herself away. She gasped at the bouquet. "Are these for me?" She blushed.

"Um..." Alex hesitated. He averted his eyes back and forth at Eliza and then Angelica as casually as he could, then Angelica looked at him, a bit confused at his hesitation.

"Are they not?" She asked.

"Of course they are!" Alex handed them to her as Eliza glanced away.

They were meant to be for me. Eliza thought, trying to tell her sister, if she could actually listen to her for once.

"Oh, I have the perfect vase for these at the table!" Angelica announced. She hugged Alexander and went off into the dining room.

Alex looked at the upset Eliza.
And chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Eliza asked, looking back up at him.

"I thought that might happen." Alex smiled at her. Then he reached into the inside pocket of his coat and pulled out a rose. "So I brought you this."

Eliza stared at him with sparkling and loving eyes.

"It's not much, but still..." He trailed off, pulling away some of her jet black hair and tucking it behind he ear along with the rose. And Eliza didn't stop him, not even when his hand moved from her ear to her cheek, and then Alex leaned in close to her ear.

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