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I pulled slowly into the driveway of a yellow house. I cut the engine and tucked the car keys into the pocket of my hoodie. Leaning back into the seat, I gaze out the windshield. Awkwardly, I place my hands and the steering wheel, gripping the wheel furiously. I rest my head on the car horn, letting it blare through the quiet neighbourhood. A knock came from my driver side window. I sit up abruptly, hitting my head on the seat headrest.
"Ouch, son of All Might" I say as I rub the back of my head. My hand fumbles around until I find the door handle and open the door. I step out and look at the person who stood next to my car.
"Hello sir-" the person begins
"Iida!" I yell, throwing a punch into the man's shoulder. He flinches and stares at me.
"Do I know you, sir?" He asks. I laugh and smile up at Iida.
"When did you start making jokes class rep?" I asked jokingly. Iida blinks. I stare at him.
"You really don't recognize me," I said. Iida nodded. I sighed and scratched the back of my head and look up at the sky.
"America must have really changed me, huh? All Might insisted I go. His last dying wish and all." I say softly and looked Iida in the eyes.
"Midoriya? Is that you?" Iida questions. I nod and he grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me into a tight hug.
"Izuku! I've missed you." He pulls back and looks me up and down.
"You've gotten taller, your hair is shorter. You look great!" He smiles down at me. I laugh.
"You look the same as usual. Ah, but in a nice way!" I say waving my hands in front of me. Iida laughs and pats my shoulder.
"It's quite amazing you moved into this town. A few of us from the U.A live here. Momo and I live just across the street. We would be nothing but pleased if you joined us for dinner tonight. If you do not mind of course." He said. I smile and look across the street to where he pointed to earlier.
"So-" I began and turned to look at Iida.
"You and Momo live together as in roommates or as in partners?" I ask curiously. Iida blushed and turned his head to look at his house. A soft smile shadowing on his lips.
"Yes, Momo and I married just a year ago." He said happily. He took a shaky breath and looked down at his feet.
"We are expecting soon." He said quietly.
My eyes widened and my jaw dropped.
"That's amazing Iida! Congratulations!" I cheered.
A sheepish smile appeared on Iida's lips. Then he stood straight and looked into my car.
"Do you need assistance unpacking?" He asked. I sighed and looked at the back of my car. Boxes were piled high, touching the roof. My entire backseat was full of boxes, such as my trunk. My passenger side had two or three boxes stacked on the floor, while three were resting in the seats. I look at Iida and nod my head yes. He laughed and patted my head.

Setting the last box down, I turn to Iida.
"Thank you for helping me! I probably would have been doing this for another hour if it weren't for you." I said.
Iida smiled and pushed his glasses back up his nose.
"I will take my leave now. I must get home." He said with a nod of his head. I lead him to the door and see him out. After closing the door, I stretch my arms above my head and yawn. I walk down the hall, letting my hand drag against the wall. I slowly climb up the stairs and lean against the banister half way up. I look around the and the lookup.
"I did it. I finally got a place of my own." I raise my arm and close my eyes.
"Like you said All Might, Plus Ultra!" I yell.
I lower my head and sigh deeply. There's a pain in my heart. I take a shaky breathe and walk down the stairs.

A single tear fell onto the carpet.

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