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It has been a week since the incident. I have engulfed myself in pity and loneliness.  Guilt was also mixed in there as well. The only company I accepted was the lingering sound of the t.v on. No one has noticed my behaviour, not even the Iida's across the street. The only person I have come in contact with is the man in the window across the river. I suppose that it didn't contact, but more of me watching him from afar. For all I knew, he did not know I existed, which I doubt. Since I have not made any effort to hide when I watch him. I still have not seen his face, I have only caught more glimpses of his body. He is like an angel, mysterious, untouchable, and something I desperately want to touch. I lean against the banister of the balcony. It is about that time for my guardian angel to appear in front of his window. Suddenly, a ringing goes off in my room. I sigh and set down my tea on the banister. I walk back into my room and pick my phone up. The caller ID read; UNKNOWN. I bit my lip, praying it wasn't Kirishima. I hit the answer button and put the phone to my ear. 

"Hello?" I croaked.

"Midoriya" Shoto called from the other line. I gulp and smile.

"Shoto? How did you get my-"

"Open your door, I am outside," Shoto said before abruptly hanging up. 

Holy Miss Midnight. I ran to my closet and threw on a hoodie and pulled some jeans on over my boxers. Then I bolted down the stairs and threw open the door. Sure enough, Shoto stood on my front door steps, looking impatient. I moved aside as he walked in. 

"H-hello, I wasn't expecting guest, so please pardon the mess." I pressed my lips together as he walked into the living room. I followed him into the living room and sat across from him on a beanbag. He looked at me, a faint ghost of a smile twitched on his face. 

"I like your hoodie," He said. I look down to realize that I am wearing his hoodie. It was half red and half blue. My face flushed.

"T-thank you." I stuttered. Shoto took something out of his pocket, then handed it to me.

"You don't need to say anything. I've been watching you all week. You look like you have been hurting. You show the same sign after my sister was assaulted." He said.

I look down at what he handed me, it was a card. 

Riverside Support Group
Weekdays 12pm & 9pm
Weekends 7am & 9pm
We're here for you

I look up at him. Tears stung my eyes. He smiled softly at me.

"You don't have to go alone, I'll go with you. I go for past issues with my father. It is always good to talk about. You also don't have to go, I can be your shoulder to cry on." He nodded at me. Without realizing it, I began to cry. Shoto stood up and walked towards me. Then he leaned down and hugged me. I buried my face into his shoulder and sobbed. 

"I-it happened a while ago. I j-just never t-talked about i-it. I-I want to-"I choked and sobbed into Shoto's shoulder.

"Shhhh, Midoriya. It's okay, I am here."Shoto stroked my hair. He slowly began to pull back, taking my hand in his. Now we were face-to-face. I took a shaky breath as he studied my face. 

"I just need to know something, is the bastard in jail?"He asked. I shook my head.

"W-worse, he is d-dead," I mumbled. "A-Aizawa," I took another deep breath. I had finally stopped crying. Shoto nodded his head and put his forehead against mine. My heart fluttered in my chest. My face grew extremely hot. Shoto leaned back and smiled at me. 

"You know, you may watch me and think I don't notice you, but I do." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What?"  I asked. Shoto stood up, guiding me up as well. Then he guided me upstairs into my room. My heart began to beat faster. Shoto then opened the slider door and lead me onto the balcony. The sun began to set, painting the neighbourhood in a golden ray. I glanced at the window, seeing nothing.

"No one is there," Shoto whispered. I turned to see he was watching me.  

"How do yo-" I began.

"Midoriya, I live over there," Shoto pointed to the house directly across from us. The one where the man in the window lived. The man with the body that turned me on. A hot flush exploded on my face. Shoto is the man in the window. I look up at Shoto. 

"I watch you too," Shoto winked before he left the balcony and out of my room. 

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