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It was a slow drive home. In all honesty, I did not want to leave. Shoto pulled into my driveway and parked his car. He cut the engine and looked over to me. I was fiddling my thumbs, twirling them around each other at a frantic pace. 


I look up at Shoto and smile weakly. 

"I don't want to go, I want to spend more time with you," I said softly.

"I am just so happy to be with you, you know? This is amazing." I began to ramble. Shoto arched an eyebrow. I gasp.

"Oh my, All Might! Did I just assume we were dating? I'm sorry, I just assumed since we kissed and went on a date. Oh my gosh, I'm so stupid. I just assume things and not even let you say anything. I am so sorry Shoto, I didn't mean to assume. I mean I am more than happy to be just friends of benefits, but I don't think I could last that long. I mean I-!" Shoto leaned over the console and kissed me hard. His lips sent tingles through my body. He pulled away, breathing hard. 

"Izuke," I nodded at Shoto.

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?" His eyes searched mine. A smile spread through across my face. 

"I'd love to," I said breathlessly before closing the inches between us. My heart was beating so fast, I could not think. Shoto reached over and grabbed my hips, pulling me to his side of the car. He placed me on his lap, not breaking our kiss once. My pulse was rushing and my thoughts were going wild. I pull away from Shoto's lips and begin fumbling with his shirt. Shoto occupied himself, kissing my neck slowly. Each kiss sent waves of shivers through my whole body. A soft moan escaped my lips. I felt Shoto smile against my skin. Shoto pulled away and grabbed my struggling hands. 

"Maybe we should take this inside, so we don't give your neighbours a show." He asked. I shakily nodded and crawled over to the other side of the car. My whole body was trembling. I got out of the car and walked slowly to my front door. As I struggled to unlock the door, Shoto kissed my neck. The door unlocked and creaked open. Shoto turned me around and lifted me up. Kissing me, he carried me through the door and shut it with his foot. Shoto pushed me against the back of the couch, settling me there as he took his shirt off. I admired his body that was now so close. I reached my hand out and glided my hand up his chest to his cheek. He looked down at me, breathing heavy. He leaned forward and kissed me. This kiss was hard and deep. He bit my lower lip and pulled it. He then went down leaving a trail of kisses down my neck. Shoto pulled me closer has a soft moan escaped my lips. 

"Shoto," I breathed. My hand fumbled with his belt. Suddenly something smacked into Shoto's shoulder. We both froze. Egg yolk dripped down Shoto's bare chest.  Holy Froppy, Aizawa is still here! I pushed Shoto away and stood up and turned around. Sure enough, a grumpy looking Aizawa stood in the passageway to the kitchen. 

"You two woke me up, I don't think you remember this but I have something extremely important to tell you, two knuckleheads. Your sexy time can wait." Aizawa said as he waltzes off back to the kitchen. 

We all sat at the kitchen table, Shoto and I were cleaned up and dressed. I still felt completely embarrassed and could not make eye contact with either of them, so I stared down at the odd spot on the cover of my hero notes #112.

"Shoto, remember that big battle the other day? The one on the news?" Aizawa asked Shoto. Shoto nodded. Aizawa cleared his throat. 

"This new villain is highly dangerous, he has a quirk no one knew could exist." I flip to an empty page and ready myself to begin taking notes. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Shoto smile. 

"He calls himself Osiris." I scribble that then look up. 

"Like the Egyptian God of Resurrection?" I asked.

"Indeed. His quirk is being able to resurrect the dead. We have very little data on him. We have no idea how many he can resurrect, how long it lasts or anything." I scribble more information. 

Aizawa took something out of his jacket and slide it over to me. It was a photo. 

"I only managed to get one photo of him before all chaos broke out

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"I only managed to get one photo of him before all chaos broke out." He said softly. 

"He has little to no body protection." I began a sloppy sketch of him, taking notes of his suit.

"He knows he is untouchable," Aizawa said before sliding the photo over to Shoto. I finish up the last bit of notes and closed my notebook. 

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked.

Aizawa looked down and took a deep breath. 

"With our first battle with him, he resurrected multiple old dead heroes, the first responders could handle them. He resurrected one old hero, which called for all of the staff at U.A to join the fight. Midoriya, we need you. You're the only one who can defeat the hero if they are resurrected again. We can't risk half the heroes' lives when we all know you can defeat them. " Aizawa took another deep breath. 

"I know you are retired and probably don't want to help, but please Midoriya, I am begging you. If not for me, for the world."

"I'll do it."

Aizawa gave me a faint smile. 

"So, who is the resurrected hero?" I asked.

Aizawa's ghost smile vanished. 

"Aizawa? Who is it."

Suddenly Aizawa's phone pinged. He picked up his phone and read the message. 

"Turn the tv on and go to the news station."

Both Shoto and I rushed into the living room and turned the tv on. All channels were playing the same live footage of a situation.  A large man with lemon coloured hair on the metro tracks. He was mending the tracks together as an oncoming train came. Two from both directions. He backed up and the trains collided. Screams were heard from down below. The shaky cameraman zoomed into the fire and dust as the man came out. 

"It's not fine now! Why? Because I am here!"

My body began to tremble. I grew dizzy. 

All Might is the resurrected hero. 

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