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  Rex and Zoe walked around the time machine. "Jeez I didn't know this was really big. Do you know where you're going?" Zoe whispered. "Yes Zoe I know my way around here. During our time in this time machine I found short cuts around here and hidden rooms to. Also be careful their can be traps that are still active." Rex said as he looked down the hall to see if anyone was there. "Okay coast is clear. Just stay low and you'll be okay." Rex said.

Suddenly Zoe hears footsteps coming towards her. "Zoe got behind ace now." Rex whispered as he stood in front of the dinosaurs. "Rex? Why are your dinosaurs in full size?" Danny asked as he walked towards them. "I'm on patrol. Just to make sure that their isn't any intruders." Rex said. "Why would their be intruders? This places door are barricaded from the inside." Danny said suspiciously. "Well you never know- what are you doing here and getting in my business dude. Come on let us do our thing." Rex said angrily. "Us? Who else is here?" Danny asked more suspiciously.

Rex didn't know what to say. "You know what Danny? When's the next mission? I just wanna get some fresh air." Rex said trying to change the subject. "No I want to know what you meant on us." Danny said. "You mean me ace and thorn?" Rex said. "Okay you have the princess of light. Give her to me now!" Danny shouted. "I don't know what you're talking about." Rex said. Suddenly the Eocarcharia appeared behind Zoe and picked her up. "Rex. You liar. You traitor. You know what we do to traitors?" Danny asked. "We kill them." Danny said as an alarm went off. Danny ran to Rex and started punching him.

"Ace thorn get Zoe out of here now!" Rex shouted in between punches. Ace and thorn attacked the Eocarcharia. Zoe ran with thorn while ace stood with Rex and helped him. Danny summoned jaw breaker before Ace could get to him. Ace dodged every attack from Jaw Breaker. "Mist hunter mode now!" Rex swiped a white card as Ace's color changed. Ace ran around Jaw Breaker biting him on the tail and threw him to the wall. Rex kicked Danny off of him and ran off with Ace. "Man we could use Max's help right rex what are you thinking you'll get everyone killed." Rex said to himself.

Max was sitting in his room reading when his Dino gadget started beeping. "Finally! Another dinosaur!" Max shouted. Max ran out of his room and to the D-lab. When max ran back he saw Mia, Rachel and Gaby waiting for him. "Well? What are you waiting for? Christmas? Come on. Let's go save that dinosaur." Mia said.

  Max, Mia, Rachel and Gaby teleported in a familiar place. "Rex parents time machine. I thought it blew up." Max said as he looked around. An echoed roar sounded through the empty halls of the room. "Let's get this dinosaur and get outta here." Mia said as she ran. Max followed with Rachel and Gaby behind him. When they were half way to a room, they saw a a Ceratosaurus running to them with Zoe in front. "Zoe! Oh my gosh you're Alright!" Gaby yelled running to her cousin. Max summoned Chomp to attack thorn but Zoe stopped him. "Max, Rex is in danger. You shouldn't be here." Zoe said standing in front of Chomp. "Alright let's go. Zoe lead the way." Rachel said as she summoned tank.

Rex was being pushed around by Danny, Drago and Sammy. "Rex. What are we going to do with you? Kill you like your father? Or just let you suffer like your mother did." Drago said teasingly. Rex growled at Drago. "You're pushing my buttons you bastard!" Rex shouted as he ran to Drago and started punching him. "I'll kill you!!" Rex shouted as he summoned an awoken indosuchus. Zoe, Max, Rachel and Mia finally made it to the room with thorn. "Where's Ace?" Mia asked. "I found his card!" Gaby yelled from behind them. Max noticed the awoken indosuchus and ran to see Rex punching Drago. "Rex! Stop. We need to get outta here!" Max shouted pulling him off of Drago.

Drago summoned his Eocarcharia and charged at the indosuchus. "Razor wind!" Rex shouted as he swiped a card. The indosuchus slapped the Eocarcharia with his tail. The last hit flew the Eocarcharia away. "Okay one down. We need to get out of here now." Rex said as the indosuchus faded away.

Before Rex could get the his friends, he was pulled back. "Rex!" Zoe yelled as she ran towards him. "Max! Get Zoe out of here now!" Rex shouted as he was pulled into a dark room.  "Zoe...I'm sorry but we have to go now." Rachel said in a calm tone. "Rex knows what he's doing. He has the wind crystal again but we need to figure out how because it was crushed." Mia chimed in. "Ok let's go." Zoe said as they all teleported back to the D-lab.

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