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It was finally Saturday, meaning the bakery closed alot earlier than usual. Normally the bakery closed at 8pm, but on Saturdays, it closed at 6pm.

I own a bakery called Pretty Sweet Bakery, it's been up and running for almost five years now. I dropped out of college and used all the money I saved up from working many shitty jobs to make this bakery happen and I couldn't be anymore proud of myself.

Today was extremely busy and only had two other employees there to help me out. It was around the Christmas time, so it was always extra busy around this time. Everyone loved coming in to buy the Christmas sugar cookies and the chocolate peppermint bark.

I'm always the last one you leave, since I'm the owner, so I always have to clean up and then lock up the bakery before leaving to go home.

I lived only a few blocks down the street from the bakery, so I could easily walk to and from the bakery with no problem.

Right now, I was walking home from work, walking as fast as I could to avoid getting caught in the snowstorm that I heard was suppose to happen around this time. I might have to send all my employees a text and tell them not to come in tomorrow if the storm ended up becoming too bad.

Suddenly, I hear footsteps behind me. I quickly turn around and see nothing. I furrowed my eyebrows and kept walking. For the past few years, I've always felt like someone was watching me, I could never prove it, but it's always like I could feel someone's eyes on me at all times.

I finally got home and ripped off by heavy jacket, my snow boots, and my winter gloves. I put my keys and wallet on the side table and went to go prepare for dinner. I planned on making a simple dinner tonight, not really in the mood to put in so much effect into make anything fancy.

As I started cooking, I decided to pour me some wine that I opened the other day into a wine glass. Today was a stressful day, so instead of taking small sips, I chugged down at least three glasses of wine.

About ten minutes later, I started to feel really drowsy. That's weird, I was wide awake a few minutes ago. I decided to ignore it and keep cooking.

As time went on, my eyes started to get heavy, I couldn't keep them open enough to finish the soup I was making for myself. I stopped cutting up vegetables and stepped away from the counter, soon realizing that my vision was getting blurry and my body was getting weaker.

I couldn't keep myself up, so I ended up falling and crawling to the living room.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I was getting weaker, my eyes were getting heavier, my vision was getting blurrier. It wasn't until I stopped in front of a pair of feet. I didn't recognize those shoes, so I used all the strength I had left to look up. The person's face was a big blurry blob, I couldn't make out anything.

"W-Who are you?" I asked, but I never got an answer, because before I knew it, everything went black.


I could hear screaming, laughter, but it sounded like it was so far away and I didn't know where it was coming from. I opened my eyes and could see I was in a huge bedroom.

Where was I? How did I get here?

The last thing I remember is coming home and making dinner, everything after that is a blur.

My head was hurting so bad, it felt like I smashed my head in a brick wall over and over again.

I didn't have anymore time to think, because suddenly, the bedroom door was being opened. I looked over and saw a very tall and slim man come in. He had short and pale peachy-orange hair that was slicked back, wore a fancy suit, and wore this smile on his face br his eyes had a darkness to them.

"Hello Seokjin, it's finally nice to see you awake." He said, sitting at the corner of the bed, away from me.

I furrowed my eyebrows, a bit confused as to why he knows my name.

"H-How did you-"

"That's not important right now, baby boy, whats important right now is why you're here." He said, but quickly continued to talk. "All of my children asked for a mommy this year, so what you're gonna do is go out there, put on a big smile, and be a mommy." He said. "You'll introduce yourself and they'll introduce themselves as well." He explained, before the smile he had on his face vanished, looking at me with even darker eyes. "If you do anything to break either of my children's hearts or try to escape.." He reached over to quickly grab my face. "You'll be severely punished, understand?" He said, his eyes never leaving mine. I nodded quickly, extremely terrified. He let go of my face and got up from the bed.

"Good, now get dressed, they're waiting for you." He said, before leaving the room.


Are all of you excited so far? I know I am!

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-Apryle ❤

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