Chapter 21

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We both sat down on the edge of my bed, with Edward a few inches away from me, hands to himself. I itched to just close the distance between us and continue what I had just stopped, but, at the same time, I was glad that I'd pulled away when I had.

As much as I dreaded breaching this topic, I knew that we needed to talk things through, no matter what. We couldn't simply continue what we were doing without knowing where this relationship was headed, and when it was heading that way.

On the other hand, I would've preferred having a talk any day as opposed to sitting in this awkward tension for a second longer.

"So..." I started, tapping my fingers on my lap, giving Edward an opportunity to say whatever he wanted to say.

He was deep in thought, and I restrained myself from brushing my hand along his cheek to snap him out of his reverie. That always managed to do the trick.

Edward turned his head to me, looking down, "You want to wait."

It was a statement on his part, but I, nevertheless, nodded in confirmation.

He smiled, a soft, barely noticeable one, "So do I."

Relieved at his answer, I breathed a short sigh of relief, but it was short-lived seeing as there was still one more thing we needed to clarify. I continued toying with my fingers, building up the courage as Edward looked over at me, about to ask what else was on my mind.

"How long do you want to wait?" I asked, slowly and cautiously, waiting for his response. My stomach churned as I waited. I didn't have a clue why. Maybe I was worried to disappoint him.

"Until we're married," Edward blurted out automatically, before his eyes widened slightly at the realization of what he'd said.

It wasn't conscious, but my entire body went still.

Though, on the inside, I was disbelieving and kind of ecstatic that he'd given me precisely the answer I'd been looking for, I hadn't quite anticipated him saying "until we're married", as in, he very much thought about the two of us tying the knot. A series of butterflies rose up in my stomach at the prospect.

Edward, of course, completely misunderstood my expression, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have –"

My lips twitched as I interrupted him, "No, I'm really happy that you're being so honest with me. You just caught me a little off guard." I looked down, before forcing my eyes to his, "I want to wait until then as well." I could feel my face burning, as I tried to calm my emotions down. I hated the fact that I got so flustered talking about these things.

Edward's smile widened, as I cleared my throat, trying my best to act nonchalant, but failing miserably. It was all due to the gigantic smile plastered across my face. I looked down, "So you see yourself getting married to me?"

In the next instant, Edward's fingers slipped under my chin, bringing my eyes up to meet his. His whole face brightened up, and I melted, seeing that familiar look of adoration fill his eyes.

"You're the only one I'd want to spend the rest of my life with. Of course I want to marry you," his smile grew, as I raised my eyebrows, completely dumbfounded at how casual he was about saying something like that. He never intentionally tried to 'woo' me, but he always did just that when he spoke his thoughts.

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