camp counselors - 1,688

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It was around 11 PM, and all the cabins in the circle had their lights out. Arin was laying down on his twin bed in the corner of the room, looking at the 4 sets of bunk beds in the cabin. He knew that all the kids were asleep at this point, as they all passed out by 10, at the latest (with lights out being at 9). That's what he loved about the third grade cabins, all the kids were usually so active and excited during the day that by night they were out like a light.

Arin was just waiting on Dan to get back to the cabin. He was at a counselor meeting, as every other night one of the two counselors from each cabin goes to a meeting with the director to discuss schedules and all things safety and behavior related.

He looked up at the roof of the cabin, and so many thoughts crossed through his mind. Arin knew this was his last year being a counselor at this camp, and this was his very last week. It was upsetting, not only because this week is his last as a counselor, but that also means it is one of the last times, for a while, that he gets to genuinely hang out with Dan.

Dan lived in California, and each summer he came out to this camp to be a counselor, while Arin was born and raised in Florida, and has continued to stay in Florida. Arin and Dan met back when they were campers here, when Dan still lived in Florida. As the years went on, Dan moved, but he and Arin were still very close. This camp was the two's excuse to hang out with each other and catch up in person, and every year seemed to get better.

This year was by far the best. Despite it being the last, it was the first year that he and Dan got to be co-counselors. The two had always been separated because, as senior counselors, they had to be with newer counselors. The director knew this would be their last time, and figured he would let them be together. Arin and Dan's close friendship made the experience one of the best ones he's had as a counselor, and it really showed with the kids.

They were both so close to all 8 campers, and all 8 campers wanted to be best friends with the two. It was one of the most joyous things to Arin, to see so many kids looking up to him. The kids would come up to Arin, asking him fun questions and asking for him to tell more stories. They all knew he could draw, and all the kids would line up for Arin to draw them something in crafts.

One of his favorite moments, though, was watching how Dan connected with the kids. Not only did they love touching his big, curly, jew-fro hair, but Dan could also sing. The kids loved every moment of his singing (and frankly, so did Arin). Dan would sing them songs at night as they were falling asleep, and he would sing songs during nature walks and most times when the kids asked him to. Arin always felt himself melt into Dan's words whenever he sang; it made his heart happy and brought butterflies to his stomach.

The door suddenly began creaking open, and Arin watched as Dan poked his head inside to see if he had woken anyone up. He then tip-toed inside over to his bed, which was directly across from Arin's bed, on the other side of the cabin. Arin took out his phone and texted Dan.

Man, I'm gonna miss these kids. This has not only been one of the best camp experiences ever, but one of the best life experiences. What a wild ride.

Dan sent him a reply.

I have to say though, I'm gonna miss you the most. I agree, this has been one of the best camp experiences and life experiences ever. Not only have these kids been amazing, but so have you. You really made this week a blast for these campers.

Arin smiled looking at the message, but also felt sadness rush over him. Before he could reply, he got another message from Dan.

You really made this week a blast for me.

Arin's heart felt like it was going to jump out of his chest. He knew that this was just his best friend missing him and appreciating him, but the praise always tugged on Arin's heart strings, and he could never figure out why.

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