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Arin wiped his clammy hands on his pants, as he had been doing for the last hour. "Suzy, what if he totally hates me?" "How in the world could anyone hate you, you're a sweetheart!" Suzy replied, looking up from her phone. She made eye contact with Arin, but only for a split second before his eyes kept darting around the room. 

"Oh God, he'll be here in like 5 minutes, Suze. Can I chicken out? Do I look okay? Should I cancel? How about I-" Arin was cut off by Suzy. "It's fine! It'll all be fine! You look amazing, Dan is gonna love you." 

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. "Oh God he's here! I thought I had 5 minutes to gather myself! Aw man, umm, what do I do? What do I say? How do I answer the door?" "Arin, just get the door and let things happen how they were meant to be." 

With that, Arin took a deep breath and calmed down. Suzy was right, whatever happens was meant to happen. The world has a way of doing that. 

He began walking to the door, and when he looked back, Suzy gave him a thumbs up before heading upstairs. He adjusted the strings on the pink hoodie he was wearing and tucked his hair behind his ears. "Here goes nothing," he mumbled, shaking out all his jitters.

He opened the door and was greeted by the beautiful man he had been talking to for the last month and a half. He's even prettier in person, Arin thought to himself. His hair was one solid mass of curls, and his smile could light up the night sky. He smelled of cologne and a touch of cinnamon, which suited him quite nicely. "Hey, I'm Dan! Well, like you didn't already know," Dan exclaimed, and he went to hug Arin.

The hug meant so much to Arin. He had never hugged Dan until this point, and it was even nicer than what he dreamed. 

"Oh, these are for you," Dan stated, handing out a bouquet of a dozen roses to Arin. "What a gentleman! You really didn't have to, but thank you!" "I had to go all out for our first date together," he replied, giggling to himself. "Well, if you are ready to go, I sure am," Dan continued, holding out his hand for Arin. "I have been ready my whole life." Arin closed the door, and took Dan's hand as they headed out to his car. 

Dan, continuing the gentleman theme, opened the passenger door for Arin before heading to the driver's side. "What would you like to listen to before we arrive at our destination, sir Hanson?" Dan asked in his best 'proper' voice. "Whatever you deem fit, sir Avidan." "Rush it is." 

They spent the car ride jamming to tunes such as Freewill, Finding My Way, Limelight, and Fly By Night. It ended in a fit of giggles, seeing as every song was an excessive air guitar session. 

"We have arrived!" Dan exclaimed as he pulled into the parking lot of Target. "Now, before you say anything, allow me to make my case. I know it's not the fanciest, but Target has everything you could ever want-" Dan was cut off by Arin before he could explain. "Dude, you don't have to defend Target. This place is amazing!" Dan smiled as he turned off the car and quickly ran to Arin's side in order to get the door for him. 

"You are too kind," Arin said as Dan took his hand to help him out of the car. "And you, princess, have not been treated properly! A princess deserves a true gentleman." Arin's hearted melted when Dan called him princess. For some reason, it always made him blush and made his stomach turn. 

They ended up holding hands with each other until they got inside the Target. For Dan, holding Arin's hand gave him a sense of comfort and relief, and he couldn't place why. 

"Alright, I'm gonna grab a cart and then we can get this show on the road!" Dan exclaimed, letting go of Arin's hand, running over to the shopping carts. "Where would you like to go first?" he asked, resting his elbows on the handle of the cart. "Personally, I'd like to look at clothes first." 

egobang oneshots // arin + dan auWhere stories live. Discover now