break the distance - 909

313 9 1

bitch if you dont hurry up!!

Arin's text made Dan giggle, but then made his stomach spin.

This was really going to happen.

Today was the day that Arin and Dan were finally going to meet up. 

Arin lives in Florida, and has his entire life. He is currently 18 and living with his parents, but neither he nor they mind. Arin didn't even finish high school, so it was no surprise that he wasn't off to college. 

Dan lives in New Jersey, and similar to Arin, was born and raised in NJ. He's 19 years old, and is living in an apartment on his own (which he moved into the day he turned 18). He is never truly on his own, as it seems his band mates are over every other night. 

The two would've never met if it wasn't for Arin's commission work. Dan commissioned Arin to draw Zelda in Arin's outfit of choice. It was roughly 35 dollars for a full body, colored and shaded sketch, but Dan knew it would be worth it, as he had been following Arin's work for a few months at this point. 

Arin was quite thrilled to receive the commission, and started a conversation with Dan over their favorite, and least favorite, Legend of Zelda games. A week later, Dan's sketch was finished, and it was a lovely drawing of Zelda wearing a cropped pink hoodie and high-waisted jean shorts that Dan absolutely adored . It was only the start of the two's interactions, and neither one of them expected the friendship that would come from it. 

Now, three years later, Arin was sat in the Orlando airport terminal, waiting to meet his best friend for the first time. He couldn't contain his excitement, and found himself pacing around as an outlet for his energy. He had been there for the last two hours, and he knows he came early, but he did not want to miss his best friend's arrival. 

Dan's plane landed, and Dan's heart was about to jump out of his chest. It was his first time ever being in Florida, but that was the least of his worries. He wondered what Arin would think of him, or what he was going to say or do when he was with Arin. As he exited the plane, he realized how crazy new all of this was to him, and he became quite overwhelmed. Not just with excitement, but rather with anticipation. He couldn't wait to see Arin to experience all sorts of new things with him. 

Arin was sat in chair, fidgeting with his phone to keep his mind away from nerves. Any minute Dan would be in the same room with him, which was crazy to think about. 3 years was a long time to never see your best friend in person. 

He kept his eyes wide open, scanning the entire terminal, just waiting to see Dan and his easily-identifiable poof of hair. They had video chatted so many times, he knew exactly who he was looking for. 

Then, in the distance, he made out a lanky, tall man with a bit of a jew-fro going on. 

Dan could spot Arin, seeing his blonde-streaked hair from across the terminal. 

Time slowed down, and the world froze around them. They locked eyes and just ran for each other. They knew that this time, there wouldn't be a screen separating them. 

Dan leaped into Arin's open arms, and wrapped his arms tightly around Arin's neck. Arin caught Dan, one arm behind his back, and the other on his butt. 

They just embraced, for as long as they could, enjoying the moment. Arin spun Dan around in arms, Dan's legs waving around like a little kid. Eventually they let go of each other, but for both of them, the hug could've lasted forever. 

"Holy shit, I can't believe that I can actually hug you right now!" Dan exclaimed, gesturing to Arin and taking everything in about him. "Do you need more proof?" Arin joyfully asked before giving Dan another hug, this time both of them standing. 

"Okay, okay, okay, I brought you a gift," Arin said as they pulled apart. "Dude, now I feel bad, I didn't bring anything!" "You brought yourself and that is all you needed." They smiled at one another as they quickly went back to where Arin was sat before. He pulled out a glittery blue bag from under the chair and passed it to Dan. 

"I can't believe you brought me a gift," Dan said as he removed the tissue paper. He reached into the bag, and pulled out a picture frame. Inside the frame was the drawing that Dan had commissioned Arin those three years ago. This time, though, the drawing also included Link. He was wearing the same outfit as Zelda, a cropped pink hoodie and high-waisted shorts, and was scoffing, while Zelda had the biggest grin on her face. "I like to think that this is me," Arin said, pointing to Zelda, "and this is you," he added, pointing to Link. 

"I would like to think I'd be more thrilled to be matchy-matchy with you," Dan replied, chuckling at the idea. "Well, I think we can go through my closet and find out." "Sounds quite suggestive there, Ar." Arin responded, "Just what I was hoping for!" 

The two quickly gathered their things and were on their way to a new, unforgettable adventure. 

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