The Magcon Date

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After a long two hours of driving, Nash and I walked into a giant theater with big windows and lots of people. "Come on" said Nash as he grabbed my hand and walked with me fast. I heard loud hip-hop music and voices of the fan girls screaming. I was scared that the girls would hate me because I was dating Nash. It seemed as if Nash was covering his face with the hood of his big red magcon sweatshirt. Nash took me to a small room with other boys, and a girl with red, curly hair. "Go meet Mahogany or something babe." He said as he pointed to the girl. "I'll be in the other room with the rest of the boys." He let go of my hand and quickly ran over to a door in the corner. "Hi!" I said to Mahogany. "Hi, I'm Mahogany, I'm the DJ." "That's cool, I'm Nash's girlfriend." Mahogany seemed like a really nice person.

The New Kid *Nash Grier*Where stories live. Discover now