Chapter Four: The Blind Bandit

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"It's pricey... but I really do like it." Sokka struggled over an Earth Kingdom bag in groaning.

"Then you should get it, you deserve something nice." Katara replied to his ranting.

"I do don't I? but no, it's to expensive." We all had been there for sometime, I sighed as I began to sit on the ground.

"Right, then don't." She said, as Aang and Katara started to walk off.

"You know what I'm going to get it." Sokka's excitement was glowing off his face as he ran back to the bag.

"Hey you kids like Earthbending? You like throwing rocks? Then Check out Master Yu's earth bending academy." A mysterious looking man said, with over excitement handing us a pamphlet. If we were in the real world I would say he was on drugs or steroids.

"Look there's a coupon on the back, the first lesson is free." Aang said, looking over to me.

"Who knows this Master Yu could be the earth bending teacher you've been looking for, Gyawa." Katara added, I groaned I didn't exactly want to go. And the sun was starting to kill my energy.

"I don't know." I answered, but their minds were set.

As we walked I started to think of what Zuko was doing at the time. Right now- well I actually forgot. I think he was alone, Zuko alone. Then I remembered what those prisoners said when I was in jail at that weird town.

I told them all about Zuko, they listened with interest and gave me good advice I needed. "This guy you're talking about, he'll come around, you just got to hang in there." The one with the green snake tattoos told me, as I held my stocks with ease.

"You think so?" I asked, as I leaned on them, my arms were too small for it.



"You're a catch." They all said.

"I don't know. Like I said he's banished until he captures me and only then he can restore his honor type of thing." I sighed, looking at the comforting thing people call ground.

"Hey!" Green tattoo guy rose his voice to correct me. "You're smart, Beautiful, funny, not to mention you're the Avatar!" Somehow it made me feel better. If that's possible.

"I guess, you guys are great!"

"Don't be afraid to tell him how you feel." The big guy said, with a tear streaming down his big tough face.


"Take your stances." Master Yu ordered.

The whole class had to wear Earth Kingdom uniform clothes, it was too big and unfashionable.

I looked around to see they all took a stance, I tried to take the same position.

"Now strike as if you're punching through your opponents head!" As he said, this I found a boulder knocking the wind out of me. I didn't even see it coming, making me land in a pot of flowers. "So are you ready to commit to more lessons. If you pay for the whole year in advance I'll bump you up to the next belt." I growled at the pathetic offer he just gave, not to mention the pain.

Groaning as I left that weird place to find the Gaang waiting for me. "I think the boulder is going to win back the belt at earth rumble six."

"His gonna have to fight his way through the best earth benders in the world to even get a shot at the champ." We heard two boys talking as they came from the school.

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