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Apollo slowly opened her eyes.

Her lashes fluttered rapidly as she glanced towards her window, the sunlight shining through being the culprit of her rude awakening. She sighed, staring at the ceiling. She didn't want to move, didn't want to get up. She wanted to remain in her spot for the end of time, until the pain went away.

She had her fair share of days like this, where she wouldn't want to leave her bed. A handful of those days she'd follow through with it. Days when she couldn't even muster the energy or will to sit up and function like a normal being, or more importantly allow herself to function without Calum by her side.

It had been weeks since Apollo had left her apartment. She had groceries delivered, all social media deleted, calls sent straight to voice mail, and didn't even bother to show up to work anymore.

She couldn't do it.

She couldn't just go on without Calum, she found it insulting for people to suggest she just move on and not let this tragedy get in the way of her living her life. They didn't understand. No one did. No one understood that Calum was her life, he was her everything.

Had it not been for the hundreds of photos and videos she had of the love of her life stored in her phone she would have broken it days ago out of frustration from receiving so many calls. Now, she just left it on airplane mode which seemed to be as suitable a solution as any.

Apollo took a deep breath before forcing herself to slowly get out of bed. The only way she could seem to motivate herself to do anything lately was to tell herself Calum would want her to do certain things. Calum would want her to eat, Calum would want her to shower, Calum would want her to do this, to do that.

But Calum wasn't here.

Apollo trudged into the bathroom, giving herself an empty look in the mirror. No matter how much she slept it seemed her dark circles only worsened, her hair was a mess and probably horribly tangled, her face paler than usual and cheeks slightly sunken, all while she dawned a sweater Calum used to wear and grey sweatpants that loosely clung to her hips. She hadn't changed her outfit in days, let alone bathed. She knew it was bad, but she wasn't worried about herself in the slightest.

Calum watched Apollo, watched her stare at someone he knew neither of them recognized. His lips laced in a tight frown and expression filled with heart break. "Take a bath and eat some breakfast," he whispered, hoping she'd allow herself more than small bites of food and her unbreakable attachment to her bed. But it proved unlikely as she simply splashed some water on her face and made her way back out the bathroom. Calum bit his lip, worried. He knew Apollo hadn't been eating, at least not well, and if she didn't start soon she'd be in trouble. He didn't know what he'd do with himself if she ended like him.

"C'mon eat," he muttered a bit more assertively as he watched her come to a halt halfway to her bed, her gaze directed towards the kitchen just outside her room. She stared, longingly. She wanted to eat, he knew she did. But for some reason she just couldn't find the motivation to. Apollo looked down at her stomach as it quietly growled, urging her to eat something, anything. Calum watched like a viewer at the edge of their seat. "C'mon baby," he whispered encouragingly. Apollo gave way to suspense as she stared at the kitchen for several more seconds before hesitating, then proceeding to make her way to the fridge. Calum smiled small, trailing after her, "That's my girl."

Apollo opened the fridge, bending over as Calum curiously peered over her shoulder, examining her options with her. One egg remained as well as two slices of bread,  a slice of left over pizza, and half a gallon of Coca Cola. "You need to shop soon," Calum reminded her, fully aware she couldn't hear him, but he found making commentary allowed him to cope just a bit better. He watched as Apollo's eyes continuously flickered back towards the slice of pizza as he sighed, "That isn't breakfast, use the egg." But Apollo disagreed as she reached for the slice and then the half gallon of coke, setting them both on the counter. She stood on her tippy toes, reaching for the plates. Calum watched her fondly, always having found her height to be one of the most adorable things about her besides an endless list of others he kept in the back of his head.

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