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The whole plane ride, Tom asked Salem why they were really going to Florida. Salem attempted to pretend Tom didn't exist. Which, of course, didn't last long. All it took was Tom grabbing his hand and smiling sweetly at him for Salem to melt right into him. It took everything in him to not tell Tom why they were heading to Florida.

          When Tom wasn't begging Salem to tell him why they were heading to Florida, the two were. taking what seemed to be a thousand selfies. After awhile, Salem ended up tossing goldfish at Gus, who had fallen asleep not too long after getting on the plane. Tom tried to take the goldfish away but it wasn't like he really had anywhere to hide the food.

          The plane ride ended with Salem telling Gus he had no clue how he got covered in goldfish—while holding the bag of goldfish in his hands. Gus sent Salem the most annoyed look he possibly could before calling Salem a bitch and heading for the planes exit. This caused Tom's eyes to widen before speed-walking after the boy, yelling about why he shouldn't be cursing. Salem followed after the boys, shaking his head.

As Salem stepped off the plane, he looked around to find Gus and Tom. It didn't take long, the two were standing near some vending machines arguing. Tom was still scolding Gus for cursing and Gus was telling Tom to "take a major chill pill, dude."

          Salem approached the boys, "Alrighty, boys. I see you guys are having loads of fun right now but we gotta get our stuff and head to the exit. Don't want our ride to ditch us at the airport, do we?" The two stopped arguing and looked at Salem.

          Tom crossed his arms over his chest, "You still haven't told me what we're really doing here, Salem."

          Salem forced a smile onto his face as he clapped his hands together, "And I'm not gonna. But you're gonna see here in a couple moments." Salem let out a small, nervous laugh before turning away from the two boys and heading towards the bag pick up. Tom placed a hand on Gus's shoulder to make sure they didn't loose him—he still had a habit of running away with no warning. They followed behind Salem and they all walked to the bag pick up in silence.

          After grabbing their bags, Salem turned to the boys again, "Everyone got everything?" Tom and Salem nodded. "Great. To the exit we go." They all made their way through the groups of people as they made their way to the exit. Silence fell upon the three as they walked. Salem was scouting the area out in order to find their ride. Tom was having an internal meltdown, again, as he tried to figure out what they were doing in Florida. Gus was looking down at his phone, texting Jimmy.

          Salem stopped abruptly and turned to Tom, "Alright. Tom, please don't hat—"

          Before Salem could finish, Gus cut him off with a loud scream, "Nanny! Gramps!" Tom turned to Gus just in time to see him run off in the direction of an older couple standing next to the airports exit. Tom, finally processing what Gus had said, looked at Salem with a shocked expression.

          "We're here to see your parents?"

          Salem held his hands out and wiggled his fingers as he forced out: "Surprise." Tom was about to speak but stopped when Salem held a finger up to Tom's mouth, "I understand that you're probably very upset with me for lying about why we were coming go Florida and just overall not telling you that you were meeting my parents but in my defense, I had a very good reason to do so!"

ii. BY YOUR SIDE,      tom holland.Where stories live. Discover now