Timidness & Coveting

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The sun sets and night covers the sky. Everything's calmed down and we're more relaxed. Now we're eating on the couch. The most I can offer her is a generic TV dinner. She doesn't complain. It's not ideal but I wasn't expecting company. While we eat I turn on the TV. I scan through channels and settle on a B list horror movie. I ask if it's fine. She says she doesn't mind. As talkative as it was before, overall we stay quiet. Occasionally letting out a chuckle or two at the poor acting and terrible one liners. Im relieved that the TV helped melt the anxiety about tomorrow away. It starts to seem very peaceful. Soon we finish eating and continue watching the movie. For a while there was a friendly distance between us. Without being peculiar about it she gets closer. Close enough to rest her head on my shoulder. She does in fact. This is as close as I've been to her since this morning. When I grabbed her. However there isn't any hostility. The feeling; Its slightly intoxicating. The silken, feathery touch of it on my neck. I didn't think about it until now, but this woman is beautiful. Yet here she is getting cozy with me with a full plate of problems. I feel heat radiating from my face. I start to readjust myself before getting up. She looks up and asks is something the matter. I look into her polished hazel eyes. Then my gaze goes downward. I tell her I was getting ready to take a shower since I haven't all day. It's the truth. I just hope it doesn't sound like an excuse. She shrugs, lays on the couch and continues watching the movie.

I get to the bathroom and strip to take my shower

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I get to the bathroom and strip to take my shower. I turn on the water and get in. The cold water helps. It shocks me into my usual self. Then it starts to transition to a lukewarm temperature. Every drop of water hits soft against my body and helps clear my mind. Feeling small waves of rationality I close my eyes and contemplate on what I have in store for me. What will happen tomorrow? Is everything going to be ok? Will they have another fight or can she make her way back into his life? Will she leave me for him? I stop myself from going any further. Open my eyes slowly. Out loud I ask myself do you like her. I dismiss the feeling. How could I? I only met her yesterday. I don't even know her name. I need to get my emotions in check and get myself together. I get out of the shower and grab a towel so I can make it to my room for some clothes. I open my door and there she is in my bed.

We stare at each other for what feels like fifteen minutes

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We stare at each other for what feels like fifteen minutes. Im hypnotized by the ambiance she made here in my room. Is this what I missed the first night she was here? Laying in my bed. Breaking the silence she tells me that the movie was over and she thought it was ok to sleep here again. Still staring at those natural pouty lips of hers, I tell her it's fine and I just needed to grab some clothes. I turn away from her and grab what I need from my dresser. I get to the door and before I could open it she says, I wouldn't mind if you slept with me. I could use some company; I mean it is your bed. Just that fast temptation crept its way into my ears. Minutes ago I told myself I shouldn't. Now I have an opportunity. To keep her here with me. To make her mine. I walk to the bed and kneel down to her level. Hesitant I asked, do you really mean that? She leans in closer to me. She asks me in that same suggestive tone, well do you want to? I bite my lip, unsure if I actually want to go through with this. I close my eyes and stand up. Looking downward again I say don't get me wrong under different circumstances I would, but right now that wouldn't be smart. I continued on, you've got a lot to do tomorrow and you shouldn't ruin something before you try to fix it. Her tone shifts. Disappointedly she says so that's a no. She lays back down. Dismissively she tells me good night and I make my way to the door. Before I exit the room I add on, for what it's worth I do envy your boyfriend. I close the door and make my way to the couch. Get dressed and lay down. I sigh and close my eyes one last time and drift off, waiting for the sun to rise.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2018 ⏰

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