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Day dream is something we like to do to get out of reality, stupid cruel reality. We all like to think of situations that mostly likely never happen in life, we might want to think it will but in the back of our heads we know it's not real. It's funny don't you think? Must admit though, some day dreams do come true. That is what we call Deja Vu, something you either dreamt of or day dreamed of. It happens in real life, Interesting right? But people tend to kill those who day dream, the  feed on the sadness and the broken. They hate seeing people day dream , they like to think they have the power to crush the daydreamers. So what are you?

A Day dreamer or A killer?


Dreams. Day dreams is something we seem to have all day every day, Lana was a day dreamer. She could go all day, day dreaming if she'd like to. Her dark brown eyes could space out and you can tell, Lana looked up from her magazine when she heard the basement door slam shut. Her dark brown eyes met clear blue eyes, the atmosphere around them quickly became tense. They both stared each other for a minute but with each other it fell like forever, Both of the teenagers have tried to avoid each other for the pass two weeks ever since Hyde called Lana's giggle cute. So far they have succeeded until now.

"Uh hey Lana," Hyde said to her who just gave him a quick smile "Is Foreman around?" Hyde's eyes roamed up and down her body making Lana shift uncomfortable.

"Yeah he is upstairs," She answered sitting up from the yellow couch, she grabbed her jacket and was about to head out of the door. Hyde was confused on why Lana was leaving "making out with Donna." Hyde let out a groan before walking to the chair and slumping him body into it.

"Where are you going?" Lana turned around and looked at Hyde who was already looking at her through his signature sunglasses.

"A place." She simply said to Hyde who raised an eyebrow which showed that he wanted more than just "A place", Lana was on her way to go see Issac and Jason. Earlier today she got a phone call from Jason that he needed to see her at three pm in his apartment, Kitty asked her who it was and she simply answered with a " friend that's in town and wanted to meet up at the hub." Lana felt bad for lying to her mother who say hasn't seen in awhile but than again it wasn't really a lie, she was going to met up a friend but not at the hub.

"Where exactly?" Hyde pushed wanting to know where she was actually going, Lana wanted to roll her eyes in annoyance.  Hyde can sense it, his lips twitch. A sign that he wanted to smirk but he fought the urge, ever since that day that he called Lana cute he felt different. He did not know if it was a good different or a bad different but it was different, he called her cute and cute wasn't in Steven Hyde's vocabulary. No it wasn't. He freaked out after those words left his left so he left, leaving Lana confused and uncomfortable. She was lost in words.

"Hyde," Lana sigh as she sat her Jacket and purse down on the chair "You do not need to know where I am going. You are just my brothers best friend who I have known since we were kids, that is all. We are all grown and we can go wherever we want with the other person knowing." Hyde felt a tad bit her when the words you are just my brothers best friend  rushed out of her lips, he didn't speak and Lana just stared at him expecting a snarky comment but nothing came out. Not a word.


"I want to hear the guitar solo one more time." Jackie gush as one of the songs ended making everyone groan in frustration, they have been hearing the guitar solo for the past hour and they have had enough of it.

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